Learn how to burn fat quickly without hurting your metabolism or overall health...
looking for quick safe weight loss generally want to know how to lose
10-20 pounds in a month or less, usually for a big event like a wedding
or vacation.
The problem with quick safe weight loss is that most people do it wrong and end up harming their health and long term fitness success. The human body has several built-in defense mechanisms to protect its vital organs when it senses that it's losing weight too quickly.
Once they kick in, not only does weight loss slow down or stop, but it can actually damage your metabolism in a way that reduces your chances of long-term weight loss. If you're trying to lose weight quickly, make sure you don't do anything stupid like starving yourself or even drastically cutting your calories for more than a day or so.
Self-starvation is the biggest mistake most people make when trying to lose weight.
Quick Safe Weight Loss Tips:

The problem with quick safe weight loss is that most people do it wrong and end up harming their health and long term fitness success. The human body has several built-in defense mechanisms to protect its vital organs when it senses that it's losing weight too quickly.
Once they kick in, not only does weight loss slow down or stop, but it can actually damage your metabolism in a way that reduces your chances of long-term weight loss. If you're trying to lose weight quickly, make sure you don't do anything stupid like starving yourself or even drastically cutting your calories for more than a day or so.
Self-starvation is the biggest mistake most people make when trying to lose weight.
Quick Safe Weight Loss Tips:
- Always drink at least a gallon of water each day. Make the water as cold as you can stand it. The colder it is, the more calories your body will burn just warming it up. Add lemon or lime juice for better taste but don't add any sugar, cordial or artificial sweeteners.
- Eat a diet consisting almost exclusively of lean proteins (like skinless chicken breast), green vegetables, healthy nuts (like almonds and walnuts), and healthy fats (from fish, olive oil, flax seeds, flax oil, etc.). Fruit is also OK as it is a good source of natural sugars. Aim for 6 smaller meals per day rather than 3 large meals.
- Establish an exercise routine. If you can afford to, recruit the help of a personal trainer, either at the gym or through the use of a ready-made, trainer-designed Quick Safe Weight Loss routine. If you cant afford a personal trainer that is fine, just make sure you do some form of moderate-to-intense cardio 3-4 times per week and perform strength training with light-to-medium weights at least twice per week.
- Get plenty of sleep. Most people need about 8 hours per night. If you're not allowing your body to recuperate each night you have very little chance of successfully losing body fat quickly and safely.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Luke_Riley
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