Five Reasons to Consider Beachbody's Weight Loss Shake

With so many myriads of options and a desperate need to keep a fit body, confusion is bound to creep in. There are various ugly tasting though filled with highly nutritious value and some make you vomit even before you taste. These points and many, make the consumers tread away from healthy meal replacement shakes. The heath conscious people for few following facts consider Shakeology, the bets protein shake:

1) High nutritional Value
The meal replacement shake was designed (as the name suggests) to replace a meal. It has all the nutritional value of vitamins, proteins (amino acids), minerals and various antioxidants. It contains various natural herbs, Chinese herbs, prebiotics, fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidant etc. It is a custom-made shake for the people always participating actively like the athletics.
It has Astragalus that is widely used in Chinese medicines to regulate the immune system and MSM that functions to cure and prevent joint problems. The Mayan seeds called the Chia is also present that supplements the calcium more than whole milk, proteins more than beans with sprinkles of omega 3 and omega 6 (found usually in salmon) which is an excellent choice for the healthy heart.

2) Great Aroma and Taste
Apart from the goodness of nutrition, it can be called a great tastemaker. The weight loss shake come in two flavours of chocolate and green berry, which will change your premonition of disgusting health shakes. The scent is miraculous like a delicious dessert that will want you to taste it as soon as possible. In addition, there are various recipes available at their home site with different fruits and juices, to cook up a different meal each time you savour.

3) Appetite suppressor or Craving Curber Abilities
Most good tasting protein shakes make you crave for another one and they never satisfy your hunger. Shakeology weight loss shake has natural "crave curbers" with loads of fibre and protein to satisfy your appetite and keeps you full. Moreover, it contains no caffeine and no internal caffeine is good news always.

4) Quality and Travel Friendly
The beachbody manufacturers test their products to keep it to the epitome of all meal replacement shakes. It lowers cholesterol while improving digestion. The supplement has a density of nutrients that cannot be fulfilled even by dozens of fruits. A continuous research by Isabelle Brousseau, who is a coach and a professional researcher, goes on to make it the best, the healthiest and the highest quality product.

5) Price Tag
It costs about $119.95 per month, which would cost about less than $1.50 per serving. To compare it with the quality and health, it is absolutely one of the lowest prices in the market. In addition, if the consumer is not satisfied for any viable reason, the product can be returned with a full refund apart from S&H fee.

These are few reasons; there are thousands of stories to sum the natural goodness of the shake that is packed with world's most effective nutrition.

My name is Dave Sherwin, an online networking expert. I won the "Rookie Of The Year" award in my network marketing company. I am also the co-founder of the Lighthouse Marketing System. Please check my website:
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2 Simple Natural Weight Loss Drinks to Effective Fat Loss

t sounds unbelievable that you can actually loss weight just by taking some natural drinks, normally you expects to gain more weight by drinking more liquid. Well guess what? You are wrong! The truth is that, you can actually lose weight by drinking some two simple natural drinks. One advantage of losing weight through this mean is that because they are natural, they do not have any side effect neither do they pose any danger to your health.

However, before I discuss about these natural drinks, I would like you to understand that there are some basic things about weight lose you have to know and these can compliment your other efforts when losing weight.

1. You need understand that a successful weight loss starts from the mind. If you fail to align your mind set to whatever you are doing to lose weight, you will have a long way to go. Next you have to forget about dieting, and concentrate on healthy eating. Going on a hunger strike in the name of "Dieting" is not going to take you anywhere, if anything, you may be doing more harm than good to your body. So try to follow a food plan that is providing your body with ample nutrition in the form of protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, etc. If any one of these components is missing in your diet plan then it is not a healthy diet plan.

2. I don't know of any healthy weight loss program that does not include exercise. As much as you hate exercises, you cannot ignore the fact that if you want to lose weight quickly, you need to workout at least twice per week; the more the better, however, you don't need to stress yourself with special abs workouts, sit-ups, push-ups. Simple abdominal crunches, Cardio and weight lifting are some of the best workouts available for quick weight loss. Exercises will help you lose weight in two ways: first, it will help you burn fat, and secondly, it will help you build muscles, which will result in even more fat burning!

3.You need adequate sleep: We all have lots of work to do; none of us can afford to be lazy, thanks to cut-throat competition and rising inflation. Nowadays, we need to work more than our bodies would permit us to! At the same time, we need to make sure that we giving our bodies adequate sleep at least seven to eight hours per day. If you don't get your due sleep, you will feel hungry all the time. The result would be rapid weight gain! Lack of sleep also adds to your stress level, and as you might know already, stress is one of the major factors behind obesity!

Now, let's get back to the two weight loss drinks that I was talking about at the start of this article.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar: Yes, I agree that it tastes awful, but Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the most powerful, natural appetite suppressants available. When you are trying to lose weight, hunger is your biggest enemy. In order to defeat this enemy, you need to take the help of some sort of appetite suppressants. Instead of relying on prescription drugs that come with harmful side effects, why not try out Apple Cider Vinegar? It is 100% natural and safe to take!

How do you do it; well you can add just three tablespoonfuls of Apple Cider Vinegar juice with eight ounces of water, and drink just before having your meal. Apple Cider Vinegar will also boost your metabolic rate and keep you energetic throughout the day!

2. Green Tea: The second drink I want to discuss is green tea, you may have already heard about the great health benefits of green tea, especially with regards to weight loss. It is no wonder that most of the weight loss supplements available out there contain green tea. Green tea helps you burn fat by accelerating your metabolic rate. You can drink green tea on its own but I prefer to mix with a bit of lemon juice and honey tastes great! I would suggest you drink at least one cup of green tea daily - it would do you a lot good than those energy boosters!

When you take these natural drinks daily couple with regular exercises and eating the proper healthy foods, there's no way you will not achieve great result losing weight. You can get more info about different diets combination you can choose from, ever with shopping list if you go to: Strip That Fat []
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10 Weight Loss Statistics

On the surface, weight loss sounds like a simple concept: eat fewer calories than you burn, and you'll lose weight.

But our world's growing obesity problem has completely changed the way we view weight loss, leading to some truly desperate measures and shocking statistics.
Here are ten of the most startling facts about weight loss:

1. The whole world needs to lose weight.
According to the World Health Organization, 1 billion of the world's inhabitants are overweight. (That's almost equal to the number of people who are malnourished in the world.)
Globally, over 22 million children under the age of 5 are considered overweight. This epidemic is largely due to increased consumption of processed foods high in calories and saturated fat, and a decrease in physical activity.

2. Nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese.
The World Health Organization estimates that nearly two-thirds of all American adults are overweight. The National Center for Health Statistics recently found that 34% of Americans are clinically obese.

3. 50% of American women and 25% of American men are currently on a diet.
With numbers like the ones above, it's no wonder most Americans feel the need to count calories.
However, society's obsession with thinness comes at a price: Chronic dieting and emerging eating disorders are becoming more common among elementary school children.

4. America's top three killers are linked to obesity.
National Geographic published some eye-opening facts about mortality in the USA.
They found that the top three most statistically likely causes of death were heart disease (with a 1 in 5 chance), cancer (with a 1 in 7 chance), and stroke (with a 1 in 24 chance). All of these have been linked to excess weight.

5. Surprisingly, America isn't the world's fattest nation.
The World Health Organization gives that dubious honor to Samoa, where more than 93% of the population is overweight or obese. The Pacific isle of Kiribati comes next, with an 82% obesity rate.
America rounds out the top three, but is closely followed by Germany (66.5%), Egypt (66%), and Bosnia-Herzegovina (63%).

6. The weight loss industry is fat and happy.
The obesity epidemic might mean misery for some, but it's certainly padded the pockets of the weight loss industry.

In 2007 alone, the American Diatetic Association found that Americans spent $58 billion on weight loss products. Considering that obesity has gone global, you can imagine how lucrative the weight loss industry must be.

7. Over half of the diet industry's claims are false.
As with any booming industry, there are plenty of unscrupulous sellers trying to prey on people's weight loss dreams. The Federal Trade Commission published a study in 2002 which found that 55% of all weight loss claims "strained credibility".

The American Diatetic Association concurs, pointing out the fact that most weight loss products focus on atypical success stories instead of real chances of success.

8. Bariatric surgery doesn't always work.
Discouraged by multiple failed attempts at weight loss, more people than ever are turning to bariatric surgery. However, there is no evidence that gastric bypass or banding result in permanent weight loss.
The University of Virginia conducted a study that revealed gradual weight regain after 6 years post-surgery.

9. Diets don't work either.
The National Institute of Health has estimated that dieters can expect to regain two-thirds of their lost weight within a year of completing their diet plan. These dieters can expect to regain all of their weight, and possibly more, within 5 years.

10. Fortunately, there is a perfect recipe for lasting weight loss.
The National Weight Control Registry tracks 3,000 people who have lost more than 30 pounds and kept it off for more than a year.

They have found that most of the successful dieters have four behaviors in common: they keep a food journal and monitor their weight; they never skip breakfast; they get an hour of exercise almost every day; and they eat diets consisting of 24% fat, 56% carbs, and 19% lean protein.

You can follow that perfect weight loss recipe for yourself and enjoy better health for years to come.
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Weight Loss Exercise Plan

Regardless of your commitment to lose weight in terms of the food you eat, exercise will be an essential part of your weight loss program. Consider the tips below for maintaining motivation and maximizing your potential weight loss by changing your exercise routine four times a year.

Consider consulting with an exercise professional four times a year and communicating your goals for exercise change pursuant to your losing weight goals. Many professionals offer three-session packages that are reasonably priced that will help you ascertain reasonable exercise changes that will yield continued positive results.

Keep track of your exercise routine change times with any calendar in order to give yourself a clear idea of start and stop dates for a particular exercise routine. Incorporate the use of a symbol such as a checkmark for the days during the exercise period that you actually exercise. Record your weight during the four times during the year to keep track of your weight loss goals.

If you are not satisfied with weight loss results at the end of a particular three-month period, first determine whether you missed more days of exercise during that period of time than you typically miss during a specific three-month period, as well as other outside weight loss factors such as holiday seasons before determining that the exercise routine did not work.

If your failure to meet your losing weight goals during a specific three-month period coincided with a time when you took a lot of days off from exercise, change your time of day for exercise during the next three month period. Consider partnering with someone else or scheduling training with someone you pay to further encourage yourself to stick with exercise for weight loss.

As you lose weight you should pay attention to toning your overall body with your exercise changes to maximize the benefits to your appearance from weight loss. Don't use the excuse of not belonging to a gym to avoid changing your exercise routine. A change can be accomplished by adding carrying light weights during a walk or by adding crunches to your routine.

If you find an exercise that you particularly enjoy, you do not have to omit that exercise from your routine when you make changes. Enjoying an exercise means that you're likelier to do it which will support your weight loss efforts. If you prefer a specific machine such as a treadmill or elliptical over a bicycle, don't remove activities you prefer but instead combine them with other activities you prefer less, such as splitting your cardio between treadmill and bicycle.

If you belong to a gym, consider trying out the express fitness routine that many gyms have in order to determine whether new machines or activities should be part of your next exercise routine change.
Your weight loss goals must be supported by an effective exercise routine in order to maintain your health. Use the tips above to incorporate changing your exercise routine four times a year as a means of maximizing your ability to achieve your weight loss goals.

Want to know more about diet and nutrition just visit there you might find what you are looking for.

Husin Abdullah has been writing a lot of articles about diet programs and losing weight for much different purpose. If you really interesting in losing weight and want to know more about just visit there you might find what you are looking for.
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Weight Loss Body Tips

Weight Loss Body Tips Revealed: How to Do It Safely & Healthy...
Are you seeking real weight loss body tips?

Let me save you some time:
Working on losing weight?
Then you probably want results -- fast.
You can skip the fad diets. Their results don't last. These loss body tips will save you some time & money.

And you have healthier options you can start on -- today!:
You can safely lose 3 or more pounds a week at home with a healthy diet and lots of exercise, says weight loss counselors across America.

Here Are A Few Fast Dieting Body Tips:
Try to walk as much as possible with a spouse or friend.
If you have a park or lake nearby you should try to walk around it at least 2-3 times a week, either in the morning or late evening, this is a wonderful way to achieve extreme weight loss fast & social interaction.

Stay busy -- you don't want to eat just because you're bored.

Eat only from a plate, while seated at a table. No grazing in front of the 'fridge.

Don't skip meals.

Eat vegetables to help you feel full.

Drink plenty of water.

Get tempting foods out of your home. The next thing that anyone considering a diet plan to lose 10 pounds fast needs to do is seek a doctor's advice on the plan to they want to follow. Your physician will be able to provide their educated advice on the diet after a full physical examination, which will let you know if this weight loss body tip plan is right for you.

If you see a persistent pattern in your emotional eating, please consider talking to a counselor about different dieting tips. They can be a big help in finding other ways to handle your feelings.

Extreme Weight loss the quick and easy way:

Now you can have weight loss quickly with these diet plans!

Sometimes the need to lose weight fast doesn't translate into keeping the pounds off.

There are numerous diet plans that can tell you how to lose weight fast.

Some work better than others for losing unwanted pounds fast.

some are easier to stick to than others, and some are less expensive than others.

Our weight loss body tips offers the most choices, which makes it easier to stick to and keep losing weight. The cabbage soup diet is repetitive but cheap to be on, while the lemonade diet requires the least preparing.

Here Our Other Great Dieting Hints & Tips:
Keeping a food journal -- writing down everything you eat -- can also help you stay on track.
"Even if you write it down on a napkin and end up throwing it away, the act of writing it down is about being accountable to yourself and is a very effective tool for losing weight fast."

Besides jotting down what you ate, and when, you might also want to note how you were feeling right before you ate it. Were you angry, sad, or bored? We often focus so much on foods and calories, but our emotions are a huge part of our eating habits.

The following diet plans for how to lose extreme weight quickly have worked for many people compared to other diet attempts.

Find the diet that is right for you, check with your doctor, and get his or her approval before starting. These extreme dieting tips are a fast jump start to many people that need to begin a healthy diet.
Good luck with the one you choose!

The next thing that anyone considering a diet plan to lose 10 pounds fast needs to do is seek a doctor's advice on the plan to they want to follow. Your physician will be able to provide their educated advice on the diet after a full physical examination, which will let you know if this plan is right for you.

The thing to remember when choosing a diet is to choose one you can stay on for a longer term if you have more than a couple pounds to lose. Look for flavor, variety, and ease of food preparation. Make sure the diet has solid success stories from people like you.

Always remember, you can skip the fad diets. Their results don't last. These weight loss body tips will save you some time & money.

Here we have given you some rapid weight reduction hints to lose the pounds fast, without daily weight loss workouts.

There are numerous weight reduction products and diets that promise a beautiful weight loss body. The risks and benefits of extreme weight dieting can become a healthy reality. But you have to work at it and maintain consistency.

I really hope these extreme weight loss body tips were helpful.

Still not motivated? Below is a resource link (Ultimate Weight Loss Secrets Revealed) to other weight loss body tips that may interest you.!

You can view a FREE info video & more helpful links about extreme weight loss at Ultimate-weight-loss-secrets-revealed.
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Reasons Why People Opt For A Hempz Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

A Hempz lotion makes not only a very important part of your daily beauty regime, but also a beautiful and thoughtful gift to a special friend. If you want to explore the wide range of product that the brand has to offer, then visit online stores as well as their websites and have a look. There is something there for everyone.

If you are looking for body moisturizers then your options are truly limitless. Their website includes the full range of products they provide, as well as information on each item. All the creams are made with natural ingredients and work wonders with your skin, making it look young and radiant.

Whatever type of scent you like, you will find a body moisturizer to contain it. All scents are of course naturally derived from flowers, fruits and herbs, but they still tend to go a very long way. Have a look at the cucumber and jasmine body cream or the vanilla plum lotion and you'll refuse to go back to your normal moisturizer.

If you are looking for a self-tan cream, then the company makes a collection of suitable for different skin tones products, in order to offer you the most believable and natural looking color. Just visit their website to browse through their black label line. There is no doubt that you will find exactly what best matches your tone.

All natural, made using herbs, fruit, leaves and flowers, the brand's products are entirely good for you. Beautiful in their design and affordable to buy, one of these lotions makes a great present for someone special or a nice little treat for yourself. They are entirely safe to use and their scent goes a long way.

If you are looking to buy a Hempz lotion, then check online for different e-shops that deliver to your area. As you can usually find good deals, spend a bit of time comparing prices and checking out the different products. Once you have tried these creams, you won't want to go back to your usual brand.

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