Swimming is a fabulous exercise for fast weight loss. It makes no difference in you are in a pool, a lake, a river or the ocean. You can burn more calories in the water than any other exercise. After all, you are using every muscle in your body when you swim. The cardio workout is fantastic. Blood pressure is reduced, and cholesterol is lowered. Even stress can be fought off in the water. The exercise can lower your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. When swimming, it is best to mix up your exercise by varying your technique every 5 minutes or so. For example, you can start with a breaststroke, following by the sidestroke. Then go into the backstroke, and finish off with the butterfly stroke. Just remember to start out slow and gradually increase your time and speed. Of course, don't dive in for 90 minutes after you've eaten to prevent painful cramping. But you already knew that.
Both long and short-distance races can be a blast. Running and jogging are ideal options for quick weight loss. Not unlike swimming, you should start out slowly, and gradually increase your time and your speed. You will exercise your heart and your lungs, while building lean muscle in your legs with running and jogging routines. At the same time, the time alone is wonderful for dealing with stress. Running is also marvelous time to listen to the good stuff on headphones. In time, you can start running fast enough to burn well hundreds of calories every hour. You may even win the first place ribbon in an exciting race.
Kickboxing is always an exciting way to slim down. You get to kick and punch bags, if not opponents to burn calories. The more you practice, the more your body will gain speed, power, balance and agility. Your heart and lungs will get great workouts as well. You will also fight off stress, and build up your body's endurance. You can eliminate between 300 and 700 calories with every hour your spend with the sport. Regardless of your age, weight or experience, you can trim down in no time with kickboxing.
Whether you are indoors or out, playing soccer is an excellent exercise to help you lose weight. Unless you a goalie, you will probably be chasing the ball nonstop. Your body will continuously have to speed up, slow down, suddenly stop and change direction. You'll kneel down and jump as high as you can to reach the ball. Meanwhile, your body will burn a few hundred calories every hour you spend playing soccer. Like many other games, playing soccer can get so intense, you'll forget you are playing to see fast weight loss.
When I was a kid, I loved playing sports. However, I grew old and out of shape. I asked my doctor how to lose weight fast,
and he told me to start playing sports again. Ever since, I've been
having fun with my friends, as well as my kids, playing water polo and
racing in the swimming pool. Best of all, I am seeing quick weight loss. Thanks Doc!
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