Losing Belly Fat Secrets
Follow a healthy diet and exercise daily to lose belly fat. In addition to this, you can include a few secrets to losing belly fat to your daily routine. This will help ensure that you lose belly fat quickly and effectively. Here are some losing belly fat secrets recommended by fitness experts:
Have a filling breakfast
skip your breakfast when your are on a diet. Eat a large yet healthy
breakfast consisting of low calorie fruits and cereals. This will help
maintain your energy levels and your metabolism. In addition to this, it
will satiate your hunger for a long time. It will also help lower
cravings for high calorie mid-morning snacks. If you are unable to have a
filling breakfast, have a small meal between your breakfast and lunch -
one that is healthy.
Drink sufficient water every day
Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. This will keep your tissues hydrated and enhance your weight loss process. Water flushes out toxins from the body and lets you maintain a healthy energy level. It is an important element in reducing stomach fat as it optimizes metabolism to burn fat even when you don't exercise. Also, take small sips of water through the day and before eating. This will reduce your appetite and your risk of overeating.
Stay active through the day
One of the most important losing belly fat secrets is to move around as much as you can in a day. Either take a few small walks during the day or go for a long brisk walk. When trying to lose stomach fat it is important to not sit at a desk for prolonged periods. Doing this can increase the fat deposits around your abdomen. Utilize opportunities for expending energy unconventionally. For instance, take the stairs instead of using the elevator and walk short distances instead of using a vehicle. These activities will use up the calories that you may accumulate during the day.
Do high intensity exercises twice a week
Add a few high intensity routines to the exercises that you do regularly. One category of exercises that can burn fat (including that on the abdomen) effectively is cardio. These exercises raise your heart rate and make you spend energy for 20 minutes at least. Replace an hour of slow jogging with 20 minutes of cardio exercises. Another category of exercise effective in burning fat is aerobics. This too can be done for twenty minutes a day and thrice a week.
Adopting these losing belly fat secrets will help you stay healthy and lose weight.
Article Source:
http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_DuffyFollow a healthy diet and exercise daily to lose belly fat. In addition to this, you can include a few secrets to losing belly fat to your daily routine. This will help ensure that you lose belly fat quickly and effectively. Here are some losing belly fat secrets recommended by fitness experts:
Have a filling breakfast

Drink sufficient water every day
Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. This will keep your tissues hydrated and enhance your weight loss process. Water flushes out toxins from the body and lets you maintain a healthy energy level. It is an important element in reducing stomach fat as it optimizes metabolism to burn fat even when you don't exercise. Also, take small sips of water through the day and before eating. This will reduce your appetite and your risk of overeating.
Stay active through the day
One of the most important losing belly fat secrets is to move around as much as you can in a day. Either take a few small walks during the day or go for a long brisk walk. When trying to lose stomach fat it is important to not sit at a desk for prolonged periods. Doing this can increase the fat deposits around your abdomen. Utilize opportunities for expending energy unconventionally. For instance, take the stairs instead of using the elevator and walk short distances instead of using a vehicle. These activities will use up the calories that you may accumulate during the day.
Do high intensity exercises twice a week
Add a few high intensity routines to the exercises that you do regularly. One category of exercises that can burn fat (including that on the abdomen) effectively is cardio. These exercises raise your heart rate and make you spend energy for 20 minutes at least. Replace an hour of slow jogging with 20 minutes of cardio exercises. Another category of exercise effective in burning fat is aerobics. This too can be done for twenty minutes a day and thrice a week.
Adopting these losing belly fat secrets will help you stay healthy and lose weight.