Weight Loss Drinks And Foods That Help You Lose Weight

It's not easy to find credible weight Loss drinks and foods that help you lose weight. But they are out there and this article will show you just where to get them. But before we get into the topic itself, it is important to note that most diet foods and weight loss drinks are lies. They do not work.

Statistics constantly show that diet foods including weight watchers meals, low carb foods and most other mainstream products do not work. And when it comes to drinks that help you lose weight, the same can be said. Most diet drinks with low calories and low carbs are also false and do not work. To find the foods and drinks that do help you lose weight, you have to go natural. So let's begin.

Weight Loss Drinks
1. Apple cider vinegar. This isn't the tastiest drink but it's VERY powerful when it comes to weight loss and most of all health improvement. In addition to having many healthy nutrients and vitamins, apple cider vinegar also helps remove undigested food in your body. This will not only get rid of undigested food that will cause weight loss, but it will also prevent any weight gain in the future because it will continually clean your body from the inside. Generally apple cider vinegar should be consumed 2-3 times a day with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a cup of water. No less, no more.

Results may vary but in general most people can see weight loss and health improvement results within less than a month.

2. Water. Now earlier I had said to avoid drinking low calorie, low carb drinks but this is just plain water. Water has and always will be the source of life and refeshment. Therefore it is very important that your body be "fed" with water because 70% of your body contains it! The cleaner and more natural the water is, the better your body functions. With it you can lose a lot of weight. Some of the most healthiest celebrities such as Halle Berry say their secret to looking good is drinking a lot of water. It's a simple procedure! Just drink 8 glasses of water daily and you'll see results in less than a month as well!

3. Cranberry juice. This is one of the most powerful weight loss drinks in existence today. It is also as powerful as water. The health benefits of canberry juice are explained below in the foods section. But if you're confused as to how much water and cranberry juice to drink, don't worry! Mix it up. Drink water one day and cranberry juice another. The most important thing here is that you drink more of the above drinks and less of the processed mainstream drinks. Then weight loss will happen very quickly!

Foods That Help You Lose Weight
1. Flaxseeds. Flaxseeds are small seeds that when eaten help digest food better, stoping constipation, bloating and more. In addition this will help digest the foods you eat better causing weight loss to occur. In addition flaxseeds contain omega 3's which help with blood circulation which also help in weight loss.

2. Cranberries. Cranberries contain man health benefits including many vitamins and nutrients that help prevent urinary tract infections, diseases such as cancer and heart disease. How does this lead to weight loss? The more canberries you eat, the healthier you body gets. The healthier your body gets, the better it's metabolism. And fast metabolism = weight loss.

3. Lemons. They may be sour but they are VERY powerful. Though I can't go into the full details of lemons and weight loss, I can however state that they are one of the best ways to lose weight. Lemons cleanse the kidney and many other areas of the body. Cleanse means the cleaning of the body from the inside which can lead to 10-20 pounds of weight loss in a week. More information on lemon cleanses are explained on the page linked below!

The products described above are just a tiny sample of the healthy foods and drinks out there that you can use to lose weight and improve your health at the same time.

If you'd like to discover more foods, drinks and diets which help you lose weight fast, then click here [http://www.squidoo.com/Quick-Weight-Loss-Diets-10] to find the most powerful all natural diets, products and methods, all of which will help you lose weight, keep it off and improve your health!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vitaliy_Gershfeld

Vegetarian Diet Chart For Your Weight Loss Plan

If you like to experiment with your eating habits, then you can try out a pure vegetarian diet for your weigh loss program. Research says that in general vegetarian food is healthier than non vegetarian food. It also says that human digestive system is naturally designed for eating vegetarian food. Lot of people are turning vegetarians every year, so if you would like to try the vegetarian diet for your weight loss program, you can consider the following vegetarian diet chart for your weight loss plan:
1. Try to wake up before sunrise. Drink 2 glasses of water. If you are not able drink that much water in the first day, then drink as much as you can, and slowly try to increase it to 2 glasses every morning.

2. Go for a morning walk or jogging for at least 30 minutes every morning. Do not eat anything before going to jogging. After you return back, have juice of any fruit that you like. Try to avoid sugar as much as you can. Fruits have natural sweetness in them.

3. In breakfast, have bread or toast with butter or have two 'idlis' (a round shape Indian dish, made up of rice) with 'sambhar' (a type of vegetable soup)

4. In lunch have 3 medium sized chapattis, a cup of boiled rice with curry, and one green vegetable. You can also have salad in which you can add fruits and vegetables of your choice. The food should have minimum oil and spice.

5. at evening, you can have milk, tea, coffee or any other beverage with a couple of toasts or biscuits.

6. At dinner, either have chapattis or rice with any of your favorite vegetables or 'dal'. Eat of lot of vegetable salad and includes green and leafy vegetables in it.

If you would like to alter this diet then there are lots of healthy and tasty vegetarian recipes to select from. You can always goggle for new recipes; sites like YouTube would be helpful as well. Try to follow a strict vegetarian diet for 3 months, and with proper and regular workout, you will see a definite change in yourself, both in weight as well as in your health.

Live a Long and Healthy Life by Following a Simple Ancient Natural Water Therapy
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robin_Verma

Determination Is the Key to Successful Weight Loss

Have you tried countless ways to lose weight but none of them seems to work? Well, you're not the only one who suffers from such. A lot of people engage in different diet fads but they keep on gaining back the weight they lost. If you want to get out of this cycle, it's time for you to change the way you see things.

Remember that no matter how much money you spend for diet pills and whatnots, the only thing that will ultimately lead to successful weight loss is determination. Here are 10 tips to self motivation for successful weight loss.

1. Before and after pictures - Sometimes, turning your goals into tangible things can do wonders. Post your current picture alongside the picture of a figure that you want to become. Seeing your goal often will help you boost your determination.

2. Create a timeline - A plan in itself is a good way to start. However, a lot of people fail to carry out their plans because they fail to observe a timeline. Setting a timeline helps tighten discipline and can lead to successful weight loss.

3. Join support groups - Some people falter in their resolve because they think that they are alone. By joining support groups, you will be able to find other people who are going through the same process. Moreover, these support groups can provide you with further tips on achieving weight loss.
4. Talk to people about it - Sometimes, just venting out helps. Remember that you need not be alone in your journey. Talk to people about your goals and you will be surprised to see how that would make it much easier for you to stay determined.

5. Read books - It is true that some people are too shy to talk about their feelings to others. This can be addressed by reading self-help books and other instructional materials. Books can serve as your guide to successful weight loss.

6. Have a partner - Having company is always better than being alone. Try to find someone who will support you all the way. A partner will be very helpful in times when your determination is failing you. Just make sure that you have the right weight loss buddy and you're sure to achieve your goal.
7. One step at a time - The journey to weight loss can sometimes be frustrating. The reason is because some people set unrealistic goals which surely lead to failure. Because of this, some people just opt to stop. Take it one step at a time and be patient.

8. Reward yourself - This is very important in maintaining determination. Rewarding yourself can easily condition your mind that you are doing a good job. Just make sure that you reward yourself with non-food prizes, otherwise your merit system would not help you lose weight.

9. Have affirmations - Make sure that you always appreciate your works. By simply telling yourself that you are beautiful already helps you become more determined to make things work for you.

10. Believe in yourself - Remember that your journey will depend on no one but yourself. Start right by believing that you can achieve weight loss by working hard for it!

Are you looking for information on successful weight loss? Visit http://weightloss-slimmingcastle.com/blog/ today!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jared_D._Ingram

Is Creatine Helpful For Weight Loss?

Creatine. You've all heard the word before. But not many know what it actually is. Creatine is made up of three amino acids (amino acids are the building blocks of protein). These three amino acids are glycine, arginine, and methionine. Many use creatine as a supplement to build muscle, in the form of powder, pills, and even in a liquid form which is dispensed by an "eyedropper."

Ok, so how does creatine help in losing weight? Don't worry, I'm going to get to that, but first you must understand how it actually works. Well, how creatine works is this: When you take the creatine supplement, creatine saturates your muscle cells. This creatine that is now in your muscles, attracts water in your body, causing your muscle cells to fill up with water. In order for your muscle cells to accommodate this new amount of water within them, they have no choice but to expand. This translates to larger, stronger muscles.

But I'm a woman, I don't want big, bulky muscles! Don't worry, the only way that is going to happen is if you are taking in more than enough calories, lifting heavy to gain muscle, and taking the same amount a bodybuilder would take. Plenty of women take creatine, and are not bulky at all, rather they are toned; the way most women prefer to look.

Any who, getting back to the point, the muscles will be larger than before. Now, since bigger muscles require more calories to maintain their new size (remember, this doesn't mean huge, just larger than before), your muscles will have no choice but to rob your fat stores for the necessary calories to maintain their size. This is how creatine will help with weight loss!

Also, if you are on a diet, one of the hardest things to do is to keep your current size/definition, (ladies, remember, don't be nervous by the word size). Another reason to take creatine while dieting. Creatine will help you keep your current size, while burning fat only, rather than fat and muscle for energy to fuel your workouts.

What kind of creatine should I take? Since there are so many different types on the market, I will elaborate to help you narrow down your choices.

Creatine Monohydrate
Most commonly sold in a white powder form, very chalky in taste and texture, creatine monohydrate is the first and oldest type of creatine invented. Creatine monohydrate is generally used by people seeking gains in muscle mass (ladies, believe me, this is not the type of creatine you are looking for). The problem with creatine monohydrate is that it is known for gassy stomach problems as well as bloating. So although your muscle may get larger, it will be very difficult for you to get definition with that size, if you are like most people. Also, with creatine monohydrate, you have to go through what is known as a "loading phase," in which you must take around 4 scoops (roughly 20 grams) of it per day for your first four days on the product. After, you can take only 2 scoops or roughly 10 grams for a period of 6 weeks or so, then you must load up again and so on and so forth. This process is known as "cycling" a supplement.

Creatine ethyl ester
A newer form of creatine, creatine ethyl ester is sold in pill form (a popular brand known as "CE2"), as well as in powder form (another popular brand known as "Cell Mass"). The rage about creatine ethyl ester is that it provides all the benefits of creatine, without having to go through a loading phase, no bloating, and no stomach problems. Depending on your genetics, diet, and workout program, the effects of creatine in general will have different effects for each user.
Creatine alphaketoglutarate (Creatine AKG)

This particular creatine supplement is one that has worked the best for me personally. Creatine AKG is your traditional creatine supplement, however, it has what is called AKG attached to it. AKG is almost like a car that drives the creatine straight into your muscles, to saturate them as much as possible. This means you will be getting the most out of your creatine supplement. Also, Creatine AKG boasts zero bloating and zero stomach problems just like the creatine ethyl ester. A popular brand of Creatine AKG is known as "Anavol."

Well, I hope this article helped you make the decision to start supplementing with creatine for weight loss, and ladies, I hope after reading this, you realize that creatine is recommended for you too. Remember, for the guys, you will usually be taking the full-recommended dosage of creatine, lifting heavy, and eating big if you are seeking muscle mass. Ladies, you obviously are not going to take the full-recommended dosage, eat big, or lift heavy, unless you are a bodybuilder of course.
Yours in health,
James Hallmark
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Hallmark

5 Natural Supplements to Aid Weight Loss

There are many reasons that the majority of American adults are now overweight or obese, but the failure of mainstream weight-loss approaches is too important to overlook. And as millions of chronic dieters can attest, losing weight is more complicated than simply eating well and exercising, so it is perfectly normal to look for supplements and other alternatives to help with weight loss. The trouble is that many of the easily accessible, often faddish weight loss supplements have inconsistent results at best, so anyone who is serious about being healthy in a natural way must look elsewhere.

Natural supplements can be hard to find, but they have many benefits other supplements lack. For one thing, they are not as harsh as many of the other types of supplements, meaning you can take them without worrying your health will be damaged (though it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting any type of supplement). Plus, natural supplements rely on tried and true wisdom that has been passed down through the centuries and comes from all over the world.

Mainstream medicine is often skeptical toward these things, but people who actually use them know that they work.

There are many natural supplements that can help with weight loss, but let us start with five that are popular right now.

1. Fish oil: The element of fish oil that is most beneficial is its omega-3 fatty acids. When you see the word "fatty," you might think that this sort of thing should be avoided when you are losing weight, but omega-3 fatty acids are the best kind of fats. They help you burn your other fats efficiently and reduce your food cravings.

2. Glucomannan: Glucomannan, which comes from the konjac plant that grows in east and southeast Asia, is a relatively new supplement to Westerners, so its benefits are not definitively established. Preliminary research has however shown that it does have the benefit of reducing the appetite and blocking the absorption of bad fats. The supplement is still difficult to find, but it is typically available at modern health food stores and can be easily ordered online.

3. Green tea extract: Green tea contains a type of antioxidant that boosts metabolism and stimulates the burning of fat. This is of course in addition to the many additional benefits that green tea, especially its antioxidants, is said to have. And unlike many of the other most beneficial natural supplements for weight loss, green tea extract is relatively easy to find, often available even at your mainstream supermarket.

4. Chitosan: Chitosan is a sugary fiber that comes from the exoskeletons of lobsters and other crustaceans. Its primary effect is to block the absorption of fats and cholesterols, but its effectiveness as a weight-loss supplement suggests that it has other benefits that are yet to be discovered. Of course, there is a down side to this mystery-there is a potential that chitosan has side effects that we do not yet know about.

5. Reishi mushroom: Reishi mushrooms have traditionally been used in Chinese medicine to fight fatigue, as well as for other purposes. While its benefits have not been scientifically studied in the West, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence suggesting that taking the supplement does indeed help you stay on target with a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Lisa Pecos contributes regularly to the Natural Health Journals. She's a strong believer in using natural products, especially when one needs help for little tummies.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_Pecos

Healthy Weight Loss Tips: Lose Stress, Lose Weight

You don't have to get knocked off of your diet and weight loss plan just because you are stressed. Your family from all angles may be placing undue pressure on you; the kids may be fighting or have failed a major exam in school, while your boss and coworkers are pushing you to the breaking point. The daily grind ought not to deter you from achieving your weight loss goals.

Stress can wreak havoc on your weight loss plan because it greatly increases the production of cortisone, which interferes with your body's natural insulin production. Cortisone sends a signal to your brain to increase your appetite for sugar. Thus, high carbohydrate foods trigger the release of insulin, which in turn triggers the brain to release cretonne. Cretonne is the body's natural "feel good" drug for your brain. This is the science behind everyone's favorite comfort foods. When you reach for comfort food, it physically and mentally puts you in a comfort zone, at least in the short-term. Think back to your childhood, your parents or guardians would give you sweets and other less than healthy food to comfort you when you had a bad day in order to cheer you up, and it would work.

With this in mind, you must take control of your urges. The simplest way to keep from gorging on comfort food, a candy bar, ice cream, or other sugary sweet, is to keep it out of the house. If you don't have the food around you, even if you are tempted to break your reduced calorie meal plan, you can't because it isn't available to you. Instead, you should keep your kitchen packed with healthy snacks. You can make your own trail mix (it's cheaper if you buy the ingredients in bulk and mix them yourself), or keep a fresh supply of fruit and vegetables at arm's length. You should be focused on getting good calories in your body and keeping saturated fat and oils out, even if we are talking about your comfort food.

You can also take measures to avoid stress. If you know you're going to have a stressful day or week, make sure you get a good night's rest. Sleep is vital to keep from gaining weight, but it will also help you deal with stress and anxiety. When you don't get enough sleep, the body endures physiological stress, increasing fatigue which can cause weight gain. Stress reduction and weight loss depend on the body resting. Listening to soothing music throughout the day or at sleep time can also reduce stress.

Other measures to reduce stress and aid weight gain are to go on a long walk, going to the gym to exercise, and taking some personal time. Certainly, walking and exercise are important for sustained weight loss, but often overlooked is personal time. Personal time, your own time, can be as little as ten minutes or an hour, but you need to focus on you and your needs if you want to accomplish your goal of long-term weight loss. Sustained weight loss can't be moved to the back burner, weight loss is a lifestyle change, so in the vein, your meal and health choices must be made with weight loss in mind. Commit to the change because it is definitely worth the effort.

Author R. W. Jonathan publishes a blog on Weight Loss and the Best Weight Loss Supplements
Also available from the author is a review of a leading fat burning supplement Phen375

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=R._W._Jonathan

Drop a Dress Size In 2 Weeks With These Simple Weight Loss Tips

If you really think it over, losing weight doesn't take a huge amount of time. It's just maths and you can even follow a formula. Basically, you burn more calories than you take in. That's the basic formula to losing weight. Here are a few tips that will help you drop a dress size in just 2 weeks.

1. Are You Ready to Commit?
If you're serious about losing weight you really need to ask yourself, are you ready to commit? This is the time to iron out those excuses. You're gonna have to make time for exercise, diet, going to the gym. You'll need to re-structure your life to accommodate your quest for weight loss. If you don't, in 2 weeks from now you'll be in the same place.

2. Are You Ready for Your New Diet?
A low fat, healthy diet is essential if you're going to lose weight. What you eat and how often you eat it is incredibly important. A rough guide to how much you should eat is about 7 calories per pound of your body weight.

Example: You weigh = 250 pounds / You eat = 1750 calories a day.

Important: Never eat less than 1050 calories a day as it's not safe to do so.
Eating lots of fruit, vegetables, egg whites, fish, boneless skinless chicken breasts, turkey breasts will help put your weight loss into overdrive. It's important that you eat enough protein to ensure you only lose fat and not muscle. Choose simple foods, a long list of ingredients on the food packaging should be a warning sign of high sugar, salt and processed foods that are contained within.
The less processed the food, the better it is for you. You'll also need to go through your kitchen and get rid of any junk food that might lead you astray during the 2 week period.

3. Are You Ready for Exercise?
There's no way around it, weight loss demands exercise. If you're gonna drop a dress size in 2 weeks you're gonna have to crank it up a notch. If you've already got an exercise regime in place you'll have to re-look at it and make sure it is enough to reach your goal.
The best results come from both strength and cardio training, with cardio needing to be done every day in combination with strength training 3 times a week. A good tip is to do interval training. This involves a minute of mild exercise followed by a minute of peak exercise. Doing this will help burn more calories. If it's possible, try and workout 2 times a day to drop those pounds more quickly.

4. Are You Ready to Get Started NOW?
If you really want to lose that weight and drop a dress size in 2 weeks, now is the time. Not tomorrow, not next week or next month but NOW! Get serious and get things underway. It's totally possible!!!

Get yourself focused, committed and into the mindset and before you know it you'll get the results you've been craving. I'm not gonna lie, it won't be easy but it will most definitely be worth it!!!

For over 30 years our Weight Loss Clinics London & professionals have been providing specialist weight loss programs & treatments to thousands of clients in & around the London area. If you need a weight loss clinic in London Kings Weight Loss Clinics are definitely for you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Griffin

How to Lose Weight? - Some Diet, Exercise and Homeopathy Tips for Losing the Extra Flab!

"Losing weight" seems to be on the New Year agenda of most people. Among 10 people I asked "what your New Year resolution is, more than 6 people answered that they want to lose weight and get into shape! Well, not a bad trend, right? But why today particularly the younger generation admires being thin so much? Probably the ramp-models have the answer. The size zero is quickly becoming popular and even the middle aged moms are trying hard to fit in the jeans of their twenties. Is it the right thing or we need to think more?

Let's see-
One thing is sure that having extra flab on the body is not a healthy sign. Flab means fat, not muscle. Therefore, losing this flab should be the priority no doubt. Lesser the activity level, more one should worry for the flab. Yes! Read the sentence carefully. Today scientists have found a great positive relation between health and activity level. Regular the exercise, lesser are the chances of ill-health relatively irrespective of your weight. 

But one should also understand here that more the weight, lesser is the activity level in many cases (due to inability to move faster) and this further contributes to high fat. How to halt this vicious cycle? Can we?

The answer thankfully is YES!

If you were lean, thin and healthy in your twenties, you have every right to remain so in your mid-forties and thereafter too. What exactly goes wrong? Many women think that childbirth is the culprit that contributed to their flab. Many men think their highly stressful job is the reason. But the fact is that despite child birth and stressful jobs, there are men and women that can maintain ideal body weight and live healthy life. So, why can't we? We can too!
What can be done?
  • Steer clear of myths-
(1) We should follow strict diets if we want to lose weight- The foremost pre-requisite to idealize your weight and health is not to fall prey to the rumors. You must have seen (or done yourself) many people staying just on either bananas, hot water, soups, or 'just' vegetables for days together! This is one of the top myths that eating less will reduce your weight. It will not. It will just weaken your immune system and make you vulnerable to graver diseases. So firstly, stop any such staple diets if you are following. Our body needs enough quantity of all ingredients of diet including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and trace elements to be able to cope with the wear and tear. Only-carbohydrate or Only-protein diets might help for a temporary duration to reduce weight (you tend to reduce muscle mass too during the process and not just fat). But once you wean off these diets, you tend to put on more weight, because obviously you cannot follow such stipulated diets for life (I hope you do not; otherwise...hats off to you!)

(2) Having just 2 full-meals per day- Many elderly are happy because they feel we are eating just two times a day and not recurrently. This is another myth that makes us fat. When you leave larger gaps between your meals, you obviously tend to eat lot more than can be properly digestible. Therefore, the excess sugars and proteins tend to get converted into fat and it deposits beneath your skin and in the arteries (leading to atherosclerosis)

(3) Eating fat-less diets can reduce weight- remember that fat is also an essential element of diet. Just we need to take it in stipulated quantity not to exceed beyond limits. Have seen many patients who deprive themselves of fat completely. What they get in turn is the shriveled old-looking skin. Fat is the natural moisturizer and toner for your body and therefore essential. Just reduce the excess quantity you eat and it will not affect you detrimentally.

(4) Joining the gym is the only way to lose weight- well, here we are not belittling the importance of gym exercises but let's not make it the rule. There are many ways of exercise by which you can stay fit. Rather, in many cases, some of the gym exercises are harmful for certain people. People with joint problems and cardiac disease should exercise great caution while joining the gym. More than that, stipulated kind of exercises for weeks and months together reduce the interest. Instead, engaging ourselves in different types of exercises keep our motivations alive for longer (probably this is what we need the most). You can jog, swim, dance, or cycle your way to health!
  • Treatment Regimes for losing weight-
(1)Lose your weight homeopathically-
We homeopaths always stress the importance of homeopathic treatment for weight reduction. Here I am not advertising any patent homeopathic medicine for weight loss. We are talking about classical homeopathy. Does it help? Yes, it helps in lot more ways than we anticipate. The major reason why homeopathic medicines help in weight reduction is their ability to act on mind.
"Mind" plays a very crucial role in maintaining or enhancing your weight. It is mind that makes you stressed and you tend to eat more or less. It is the mind that makes you dull to start your exercise regime. It is mind that encourages you too to take the issue of obesity seriously and do something constructive about it.

And homeopathy helps in all these aspects to shape your mind and make it do what needs to be done. It is not exaggeration. Have seen absolutely lazy patients take up exercise regimes scrupulously once they are on constitutional homeopathic treatment, because of the ability of homeopathic remedies to act on higher planes. Same goes true for maintaining ideal diets.

The homeopathic medicine also helps the person to tide over the hormonal imbalances that contribute to excess weight. Therefore, when a patient of hypothyroidism and/or polycystic ovarian disease starts homeopathic treatment, the apparent edema on the body disappears gradually and makes the patient fitter to achieve his or her goals.

As discussed above, there is no option to exercising your way to health. If someone tells you to follow a regimen that excludes exercise for weight loss, they are lying to you! Try to inculcate variations in your regime not to get bored and feel energetic for years to come. Adding this component to your day to day life is the most rewarding experience you can give your body, mind, and spirit. Couple it with relaxing techniques and your benefits get doubled!
Some auxiliary tips for losing weight-
  1. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of plain water per day
  2. Have enough fiber, for it will boost up bowel health and avoid constipation. Also it is one of the sure shot ways to delay ageing
  3. Recognize bodily deficiencies and seek natural supplementary help from an expert
  4. Eat frequent small meals (preferably 2 to 3 hourly)
  5. Be consistent in your regimens. To make that happen, set smaller goals and reward yourself when you accomplish them
  6. Some meditation techniques help a great deal in stabilizing one's absurd eating behavior and providing the essential motivation to do your best
  7. Steer clear of the myths and don't fall prey to heavy advertising of patent diet pills, unless you verify their authenticity via an expert
May the year 2011 bring lots of happiness, health and fitness for you to stay for life!
Dr Shreya Deshpande is a senior homeopathic consultant of India and is running Online Homeopathic Consultation at http://www.drshreya.com. She has penned several articles and papers regarding homeopathy and is a popular homeopath and a health counselor globally. Watch her health blog at http://www.drshreya.blogspot.com for interesting health info!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shreya_Deshpande

Lose Those Extra Pounds With a Fast Weight Loss Diet

A fast weight loss diet does not only require significant changes to your eating habits, but also your lifestyle. Just eating the right foods is not going to make you look lean and pretty. The right exercises and workouts are also vital if you want to lose weight fast.

Daily strategies to lose weight
A healthy diet can make notable improvements to your health and fitness levels. The real success of your diet plan will be determined by the integrity with which you follow it. The most important part of any weight loss plan involves physical activity. It is critical to be active if you want to achieve fast weight loss. Regular exercises make your mind feel fresh and also help in burning more fats and calories. They also facilitate healthy eating habits.
Your hunger and metabolism is hugely impacted by sleep. Health experts have always emphasized on the need for a good night's sleep, and with good reason. Many hormones in your body are disrupted by poor sleep, and this leads to slower metabolism and abnormal cravings. An effective support system is also vital for your weight loss plan to be successful. If you're surrounded by people who consume junk food, there's a good chance you'll indulge in it yourself. Find the right support system so that your eating habits remain healthy, as this will help your cause tremendously.

Simple tips to shed quick weight
The simplest advice most experts give to people seeking help in losing weight is to up their metabolism every day. Quick weight loss is a much simpler process when your metabolism jump-starts every morning. A cup of green tea may do the trick, and regular metabolism at a good rate will give you the best possible results in a very short time.

Sodium is one of the compounds that you must try to avoid. The human body retains the extra water that we consume, stores it and adds to our body weight. Sodium is the main reason for this. Reducing your intake of sodium will make your body lose the extra water at regular intervals of time, making you appear lean and fat-free. Carbohydrates are also negative when you are under a weight loss regime. Carbohydrates are rich in calories. Calories when stored in the body turn into fat and increase your weight. You can lose weight fast by keeping your Carbohydrate-intake in check. When you consume a lot of carbohydrates, make sure you eat nuts, seeds and whole grains as they make up or the unhealthy eating habits.

Although a lot of people say that you must avoid snacking often, health experts say that proper snacking can have a great effect on weight loss. Your metabolism will be revved up if you consume healthy snacks. This means that a good amount of fat and calories will be burnt during the course of the day. Snacks that are rich in healthy fats and proteins must be considered when you're hungry.

I hope with the above strategies and tips plus the right exercise (fat-burning exercise), you will easily feel fit, full of energy, and fabulous.

Together we constantly move toward Health, Vitality, and Fitness...
You may find out more FREE TIPS about weight loss, and the most powerful Fat-Burning system ever created at http://www.williamyeow.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Yeow

8 Tips on Successful Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Congratulations, Mommy! Having a child is one of the greatest blessings you will ever receive in your life. Nothing is more fulfilling than being with your little on every day and watching him or her bloom into a great person. However, being a mother is not easy. If you have just given birth, you are at risk for post-partum depression. Most of the time, this depression comes from the baby weight you put on. Being healthy is important. Now that you have someone who needs your utmost care and attention, you must make sure that you should be very healthy. And everyone knows that nothing is healthy about being overweight. So here are effective tips on weight loss after pregnancy.

Tip # 1: Accept That This Won't Happen Instantly
One common mistake that new mothers do is to look for someone to idolize. Often times, these are celebrities that lose weight instantly after giving birth. If you are doing this, stop. Reality check: you won't lose weight instantly and these celebrities have the luxury of paying doctors to do cosmetic surgery on them. They may look good, but they are the worst examples of weight loss after giving birth.

Tip # 2: Recovery is Your Priority
Although you're so excited to lose weight and regain your previous before-motherhood body, you have to recover first. It will take up to 6 months for your body to return to normal. The sign that you have fully recovered is if you are already getting your period regularly. You don't want to have any complications because of forcing yourself to work out right away. Take time to rest because you just gave birth to a baby. What you could do at this point is to focus on the food you eat. Besides, you will most likely be breastfeeding, so whatever you are consuming, your baby will consume as well.

Tip # 3: Set a Realistic Goal
People who fail at losing weight do so because of one thing - they have set unrealistic goals for themselves. If you set unrealistic goals for yourself, you will end up being frustrated and giving up often. You will also probably turn to binge eating which is a very bad habit! It will make you gain weight like crazy without you knowing! Your goal should be something like 30 pounds in 6 months or something similar. The goal should encompass the amount of weight you want to lose along with the time frame you give yourself.

Tip # 4: Exercise Regularly
The keyword in that phrase is the word "regularly". Weight loss after pregnancy is hard to attain without a regular workout routine. It will be easier for you to stick to your goals if you work out regularly. This will constantly make you lose weight and will keep you on track. If you are busy, then 30 minutes for three times in a week is alright. If you have time to spare or while your baby is asleep and you don't have any tasks, go ahead and increase the time for your exercises. However, do not jeopardize your time for sleeping. Most new mothers are sleep deprived. Lack of sleep is never good for losing weight. As much as possible, get enough sleep. If you don't, your metabolism will be really slow. You will end up gaining weight instead.

Tip # 5: Team Up
Working out is more fun when you have other mothers with you. Sharing a goal with other people will motivate you more. Also, there are many workouts that burn a lot of calories that are grouped workouts such as Zumba and Tae Bo! Having friends around will make the experience more memorable and fun.

Tip # 6: Modify your Meals
Meals are important. However, if want to lose weight, you will have to modify your meals a little bit. First of all, you need to eat more meals but in smaller portions. Every breakfast, have some oatmeal or whole wheat bread. There are also many fruits and vegetables that are packed with vitamins and minerals and in fiber, too. Fiber is good for your diet because it will help in making sure your digestion goes smoothly. If you work out a lot, then go for protein rich foods which are not full of fat. Protein will aid in muscle recovery so you can work out more and tone faster.

Tip # 7: Choose To Breastfeed
Breastfeeding will help you lose weight. Decide to stick to it for the next two years. Breastfeeding your baby requires 500 calories from you in a day. That is already worth 2 hours of continuous cardiovascular exercises. Besides, breastfeeding has a lot of benefits especially to the immune system. Your baby will develop faster and will have natural vitamins and minerals that will come from breast milk. Do not skip on that chance.

Tip # 8: Go for Workouts you Can Do at Home
The reason why some new mothers pass on working out is because they believe it consumes so much of their time. Admit it; time is not a luxury when you have a baby around. There is just so much to do. If you have the same situation, then you should workout smart. Choose routines that you can do at home. Split the routines as well. If you can do routines for 15 minutes in the morning, another 15 minutes in the afternoon and 15 minutes in the evening, then that would be great. However, remember that breaking up routines is only advisable when you are a person who knows how to follow a schedule. So if you make one, be sure to stick to it. Take a piece of paper and write down your routines as well. Crunches in the morning, lunges in the afternoon and cardio at night would be a start.

Weight loss after pregnancy seems impossible for some because having a baby requires a lot of attention from the mother. In fact, at times you may feel guilty for even giving yourself some time to exercise and get in shape. Don't be! Everything good that you do for yourself is also good for your child. A healthy mom breeds a healthy kid. Good luck!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Katie_V_Adams

Using Your Smart Phone To Lose Weight

In the world of mobility, smart phones allow us to stay connected, no matter where we are. They can also keep our lives in order. So why not enlist their help with your diet and exercise program? There are plenty of apps available to monitor your progress and help you make better, healthier choices and possibly have better successes with reaching your weight loss goals.

Healthy Food Apps
If you need help choosing which meals to indulge in at restaurants or which foods to purchase at the grocery store, turn to your smart phone. There are plenty of apps available under the health and fitness category that can assist you with smarter food decisions. Some allow you to scan the bar code of a food item to see if it is a healthy choice or not. Others will help you make healthier food choices when dining out by providing you with the calorie counts of menu items or other nutritional information.

Exercise Trackers
Search your smart phone's categories and you will find a plethora of exercise trackers. There are even exercise tracking web sites that have mobile applications available for your smart phone. Depending on your exercise needs, take a look through the options to find one that will best suit your needs. There are apps that can function as distance trackers, some that offer videos of specific exercises, and some that can even plan out your exercise routine for you. Any way you go, having a exercise tracker can help you see your progress and keep you on track.

Weight Loss Trackers
There are also applications that will count calories for you. You can set your target weight loss goal, and it will set how many calories you can eat during the day to reach that goal. Some also include an exercise tracker in them so you can track your energy expenditure as well as your energy intake. Certain applications will also track your progress and offer healthy dieting and exercise tips to help your reach your goal.

Keep Track!
One of the greatest secrets to weight loss is tracking your progress. Tracking your progress can help you see all your effort pay off and help you maintain focus on your goals. Smart phones offer many applications (some are free of charge, while others may have a nominal fee) that can help guide you through and help you avoid the pitfalls of dieting. It can also help keep you aware of any unhealthy habits you have cultivated and help you to change those to better habits. By tracking what you eat and how you exercise, you can hold yourself accountable for your weight loss. Sometimes we forget what we eat, how much we eat, or how little we exercise. This can ruin a weight loss program. Smart phone applications increase your awareness of what you are eating and how you are exercising, thus holding you accountable.

A healthy diet and regular exercise are the only sure way to help you lose weight, no matter what external aids you use. However, for some, diet and exercise alone are not enough. If this is the case, a natural weight loss supplement may be right for you. Natural weight loss supplements work with your body to help kick start your metabolism and may help to keep your goals on track.

M. Dwyer is the founder of Healthe Trim, a natural weight loss supplement clinically shown to promote weight loss. Healthe Trim combines natural ingredients such as Hoodia gordonii and green tea leaf extract in order to reduce food cravings and boost energy naturally. Learn more about Healthe Trim's natural weight loss supplement at http://www.healthytrim.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M._Dwyer

6 Healthy Foods to Eat to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise

Looking for an easy way to reduce your tummy and lose weight fast without exercise? If you want to get rid of your belly fat, you might consider eating more of these 6 healthy foods to eat to lose weight:

1. Eggs! Yes, cereal is fine. But a heartier meal will help control your feelings of hunger as the day progresses. Eggs have protein! And the scientists at Indiana University concluded that dieters who ate their largest portion of protein in the morning, felt full far longer than those who consumed most of their protein at lunch or dinner. For the rest of the day, you'll be far less likely to overeat. If you want to hold off hunger, try to get at least 20-30 grams of protein with breakfast.

2. Apple. An apple a day can not only keep the doctor away. But, it will keep the fat from your belly! Researchers at Penn State recently found that if you eat a large apple just before a meal you will take in between 175-200 fewer calories during the meal. A large apple has about only about 120 calories. Here's a weight loss secret: Not only does the apple's fiber make you feel more full. It requires way more chewing than other foods. So, you'll think you're eating more than you actually are!

3. Grapefruit. If you ate half of a grapefruit 3 times a day and didn't change anything else about your diet, you could lose 4 pounds in 12 weeks! Thats what scientists at Louisiana State University discovered recently. The high level of acidity in grapefruit actually slows down your digestion rate which will help you feel full longer.

4. Coffee. Its true! Coffee gives you a boost of antioxidants. Not only that, it helps to increase metabolism and reduce your appetite. The Journal of Physiology and Behavior published a study that said the metabolic rate of caffeinated coffee drinkers was up to 16% higher that the decaf drinkers. Why? Because caffeine increases your heart rate, acting as a stimulant to your central nervous system. But don't order the venti. The best way to enjoy the benefits of coffee for weight loss is to enjoy several small servings of 8 ounces or less during the day.

5. Pork Chops. Here's a secret tip to lose weight: Selenium is an essential mineral that helps you preserve muscle while shedding pounds. Sure beef and chicken have selenium. But, pork chops have 5 times as much selenium as beef and twice as much as chicken.

6. Full-Fat Cheese. It sounds counter intuitive doesn't it? But its true. You no longer have to eat the flavorless vacuum sealed low fat cheeses. There is far more protein in full fat cheese. And if you eat a controlled amount, you'll actually feel fuller as a result. Full-fat cheese is a great snack for weight loss.

These 6 healthy foods to eat to lose weight will help you get rid of your belly fat and even lose weight without exercise! If you want more great tips to lose weight you might want to grab a FREE copy of 'The Digest". Its your quick-start weight loss blueprint. Get it for free here: http://tipstoloseweightguide.com/free

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=R._Dean

9 Simple Practical Tips to Healthy Weight Loss

Do you want a healthy weight loss plan, but don't know where to start? Are you concerned about how healthy your weight loss plan is? This article will reveal 9 strategies to help with your weight loss, easily and healthily.

1. Neither crash diets nor sudden bursts of exercise are very good, or effective for losing weight healthily. Your body is more receptive to slow changes, both in exercise and food. If you haven't exercised for a long time it isn't advisable to start by running a marathon or swimming the English Channel. Not unless you want a visit from the doctor or worse still, an ambulance. On a serious note, doing too much too soon can prove to be very difficult. If you are struggling you are more likely to become easily disheartened and de motivated.

2. Food is your body's energy source and excess energy is stored as fat. To lose weight, your body has to get rid of this build up of fat. Therefore you need to increase your energy levels (exercise) and decrease your calorie intake (food). Make these changes slowly but surely. Small alterations to your diet and exercise can have a significant effect. If you were to eat an extra cake every day, you will naturally gain more weight. It stands to reason, then, that if you eat one less cake every day, that you will lose weight.

3. Somebody who continues with the same diet but increases the amount of exercise they take will lose weight. Anyone who maintains the same amount of exercise but reduces the amount of food they eat will lose weight. So with a reduction in food intake and an increase in exercise the results will be both noticeable and encouraging. Anytime you exercise more than normal, you will use up excessive energy and fat even if it is only brisk 15 - 20 minute walks. An exercise bike in your living room can be used while enjoying your favourite TV programs. These are just small changes, but you will witness significant results when they are made regularly. You don't need to join a gym unless you really want to. Just subtle changes are all that you need to make. At weekends, why not walk to the shops and leave the car at home. Take the dog for more walks. He will thank you for it and you will get more exercise as well. Walk up and down the stairs in your home 5 or 10 times in one go a couple of times a day.

4. Permanent, but gradual, changes in your diet are required to succeed in losing weight for good. As a good example, if you use full fat milk, why not exchange this for semi skimmed, and eventually fully skimmed milk. If you take sugar in tea or coffee, gradually reduce the amount you take, or replace it with artificial sweeteners. At first this may seem unappealing, but believe me when I say that when you effect this transition, you will never want to drink full fat milk or take sugar ever again. Although these changes are slight and may take a few weeks to become comfortable with, they will remain in place for months and years.

5. Healthy weight loss isn't possible by eating lots of food that includes biscuits, chocolate, sweets and cakes. This doesn't mean that you can't eat them ever again. You must limit the amount that you have. Small quantities for a special occasion are acceptable. But don't overdo it.
6. Read the labels on food items when doing your grocery shopping. Noticing the amount of calories, sugar and fat that certain foods contain, will help you to cut down. Reducing your intake of calories by 300 - 500 a day can result in a loss of one or two pounds a week. This would be a loss of about 3 stone or more in a year. Slow but sure.

7. Trim all fat from any meats that you have. Stay clear of fried foods and fast foods.

8. Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. Eliminate it if possible.

9. Prepare your own lunch for when you are at work so that you know just exactly what you are eating. Replace sweet things with fruit. Eat wholemeal bread. Use low fat spreads in your sandwiches. Use salads as fillers. These small changes are going to impact on your weight loss immensely.

The slimmer healthier body you have always wanted is just a few steps away if you follow the proven strategies in this article. Healthy weight loss needn't be just a fantasy or only for the chosen few. Use these strategies and very soon you will be the envy of everyone you know.
Cathy Dymond has put together a complimentary report on weight loss that will help you solve your weight loss problems quickly and permanently. To access it instantly, please visit [http://www.yourweightlosssecrets.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cathy_Dymond

Nutrition and Weight Loss - 70-80% is Diet Alone - 5 Tips For Weight Loss

New Years Resolution: Stop Abusing Your Body
Eating junk food like pizza is a serious abuse to your own body. Seriously, you can see why nutrition is the majority of what you need to look at if you really want to lose weight. I cannot stress this enough. I have seen once an add that advocated quitting smoking. They showed an illustration of someone's face and it had a lot of black and blue spots on that face, a lot of pus and smoke came out of the mouth. The line below that image was: "If you would look in the outside the same your insides look like, would you quit smoking? And it is true. This is what you are doing to your insides if you are a smoker. This is also what you are doing to your insides if you eat junk food. This is why you would get a chronic disease.

I saw a YouTube video where Craig Ballantyne compete Brad Pillon on the calories contest. Brad was eating pizza! where as Craig was sprinting on the treadmill. In 3 minutes Craig burnt 45 calories and he was sprinting at 11 Mile per hour. That is fast for any human being, most folks out there cannot perform like that. Brad in the other hand was ahhm... eating pizza. In the same 3 minutes Brad added to his body 800 calories. I rest my case! Here are 5 tips for a healthy weight loss that incorporates exercise and diet:

Eat small portioned meals throughout the day. Instead of just eating breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat smaller portions every 2-3 waking hours of the day.

Do not drink any fizzys. Soda is one substance that will encourage your body to store fat, there are many reasons for that and Truth About Abs is one of the best resources to read about this.

Get your carbs from fruits and vegetables instead of bread. Truth About Abs will expand on this one in more details from the experts that wrote it. Actually - one expert - Mike Geary, a Certified Nutrition Specialist and a Certified Personal trainer.

When exercise always do bursts of excursion. If you are a gym member try to avoid the usual treadmill jogging as this can harm your body and lead to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer. Always do your exercises while you sprint or do any other bursts of excursion followed by a recovery period

Read Truth About Abs. Because this one book will expand on everything I have talked about in here and more so you would know what to do to lose weight and feel more energized. You can watch the tube about the calorie competition here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQbuzsY_34Q.
Roy Gol is an expert Nutrition Adviser and creator and owner of Acai House Inc 
[http://acaihouse.net/]. Imagine you could get video footage revealing the most effective cardio exercises to do to lose weight as well as WHY those exercises are the best for weight loss. Imagine this footage will also reveal what is the right food to eat in conjunction with those exercises. I invite you to opt in and receive 6 FREE videos that do exactly that, reveal cardio exercises and yummy food to eat together with those exercises. Start you journey to lose weight and start seeing your 6 pack abs AcaiHouse.net [http://acaihouse.net/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roy_Gol

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