Benefits of Weight Loss Exercises

People who are overweight are usually advised to start doing weight loss exercises. This is because of the benefits that these people gain from weight loss exercises. First of all body exercises are known to keep off diseases. Most of these diseases are associated with being overweight. This is because of the unhealthy accumulation of fat in the body. Therefore, by reducing some of the weight through weight loss exercises, you can keep most diseases at bay.

Weight loss exercises are known to strengthen heart muscles. This is because as you exercise your heart beats fast and strong. This is essential exercise that helps reduce blood pressure. In addition, weight loss exercises reduce fat around the heart and blood vessels. This reduces the risk of having a heart attack or a stroke. Weight loss exercises keep away heart disease do not need to be intense. They can be simple body exercises such as walking that can even be done by the elderly.

Diabetes is also a major problem in the modern world due to all the unhealthy lifestyles people have adopted. However, for those who have diabetes already, body weight exercises can help them manage the disease. Therefore, these body weight exercises are not only beneficial for keeping off diseases. If you already have a disease condition, you should consult with your doctor. You might just find out that you can manage your health and keep the disease under control.

Obesity is a significant problem among many people in the developed countries. Being obese is associated with so many other problems. Therefore, body exercises are advised in order to reduce body fat and keep off obesity. However, bodybuilding exercises are not effective on their own to reduce obesity. It is essential that you take the right diet, as well. You should take a diet that is rich in proteins that will help you stay energized during bodybuilding exercises.

Many people who work in the office or in jobs that require them to sit down for long usually end up with back pains. This considerably reduces their productivity at work and home. Therefore, stretching exercises are useful for such people. This is because it helps strengthens the muscles and increases flexibility. There are also specific back exercises that are designed to reduce back-pain. In addition, research shows that your posture is highly essential in controlling back-pain.

Body exercises are also known to improve self-esteem. This is because as you exercise, you reduce weight and hence you will feel great. Regular body exercises are also known to release endorphins in the body that help improve your mood. Therefore, body exercises helps you reduce and cope with stress and depression. If you feel depressed or sad for some reason, you can try some body weight exercises to improve your mood.

Finally, body weight exercises are known to improve bone formation. This is because they help strengthen the bones. This helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis. However, it is advised that such body weight exercises should be accompanied by a diet rich in calcium. This will lead to the best results and improved bone stability.

Kelly Parton is the author of this article on Body Weight Exercises.
Find more information, about Abdominal exercises here

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Eat More Fat To Burn More Fat - Why This Important Macronutrient Is Essential For Weight Loss

By Eating More Fat Your Body Will Naturally Adapt to Burn Fat
Whilst fat has often been labeled as the enemy to achieving good health & losing weight, recent studies, by no less than Prof Tim Noakes, & others have come out in favor of good fats & against carbohydrates in general (especially simple carbs)

In fact this essential macronutrient has been given such a bad rap through the ages to the detriment of maintaining a healthy, fat-burning diet & having slimmer body.

Furthermore many of the low-fat diets & foods contain significant amounts of sugar which in itself causes progressive weight gain as well as other health issues.

Fat is one of 3 essential macronutrients, required for healthy body functioning, that has for ages been excluded from people's diet in the interest of weight loss when in actual fact research has shown that we actually need to consume this ingredient in order to lose weight as well as to eliminate the cravings for more food after meals.

Good Fats & Bad Fats
Notwithstanding what has been said above not all fats are equal and not all of them are good for you & promote weight loss.

The ones to avoid are saturated & trans fats, partially the hydrogenated type, as per the list below & those types that are used for fried foods are bad for you as they raise cholesterol levels which can cause heart disease.

However mono-unsaturated & poly-unsaturated fats are the good types which also help lower cholesterol levels & promote healthy body functioning.

Examples of Good Fats
  • Olive oil
  • Avocados
  • Olives
  • Nuts (almonds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews)
  • Walnuts
  • Sesame, and pumpkin seeds
  • Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout, sardines)
  • Soymilk
  • Tofu
Examples of Bad Fats
  • Fatty meats
  • Full cream dairy products
  • Chicken skin
  • Butter & margarine
  • Cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Palm and coconut oil
  • Lard
  • Pastries, cookies & other treats
  • Fried foods (French fries, fried chicken, chicken nuggets, breaded fish)
  • Candy bars
Healthy Fat Eating Guide
As a brief guide as to which types to eat (to promote weight loss & good health), eliminate trans-fats from your diet (fried food for example) as well as the saturated type (full cream diary & animal fat) and include omega-3 fatty acids which is found in fish & walnuts.

If you're still not convinced just consider the fat-free food & diet hype that's been going on for the last few years & look at the increase in worldwide obesity - especially in the USA.

If you're serious about changing your eating habits for improved health & weight loss, you should go to the link below & see how Prof Tim Noakes new diet has not only improved his health, but also caused significant weight loss...

PS - If you do not change your eating habits you will just have to get used to being overweight, sluggish & feeling unhealthy...

... however if you want to get into the shape of your life & feel better than ever just go to the following link to read how Tim Noakes Low Carb Diet has helped him achieve this.
just go to the following link to find out why Professor Tim Noakes advocates his new high fat, low carb diet:
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