9 Simple Practical Tips to Healthy Weight Loss

Do you want a healthy weight loss plan, but don't know where to start? Are you concerned about how healthy your weight loss plan is? This article will reveal 9 strategies to help with your weight loss, easily and healthily.

1. Neither crash diets nor sudden bursts of exercise are very good, or effective for losing weight healthily. Your body is more receptive to slow changes, both in exercise and food. If you haven't exercised for a long time it isn't advisable to start by running a marathon or swimming the English Channel. Not unless you want a visit from the doctor or worse still, an ambulance. On a serious note, doing too much too soon can prove to be very difficult. If you are struggling you are more likely to become easily disheartened and de motivated.

2. Food is your body's energy source and excess energy is stored as fat. To lose weight, your body has to get rid of this build up of fat. Therefore you need to increase your energy levels (exercise) and decrease your calorie intake (food). Make these changes slowly but surely. Small alterations to your diet and exercise can have a significant effect. If you were to eat an extra cake every day, you will naturally gain more weight. It stands to reason, then, that if you eat one less cake every day, that you will lose weight.

3. Somebody who continues with the same diet but increases the amount of exercise they take will lose weight. Anyone who maintains the same amount of exercise but reduces the amount of food they eat will lose weight. So with a reduction in food intake and an increase in exercise the results will be both noticeable and encouraging. Anytime you exercise more than normal, you will use up excessive energy and fat even if it is only brisk 15 - 20 minute walks. An exercise bike in your living room can be used while enjoying your favourite TV programs. These are just small changes, but you will witness significant results when they are made regularly. You don't need to join a gym unless you really want to. Just subtle changes are all that you need to make. At weekends, why not walk to the shops and leave the car at home. Take the dog for more walks. He will thank you for it and you will get more exercise as well. Walk up and down the stairs in your home 5 or 10 times in one go a couple of times a day.

4. Permanent, but gradual, changes in your diet are required to succeed in losing weight for good. As a good example, if you use full fat milk, why not exchange this for semi skimmed, and eventually fully skimmed milk. If you take sugar in tea or coffee, gradually reduce the amount you take, or replace it with artificial sweeteners. At first this may seem unappealing, but believe me when I say that when you effect this transition, you will never want to drink full fat milk or take sugar ever again. Although these changes are slight and may take a few weeks to become comfortable with, they will remain in place for months and years.

5. Healthy weight loss isn't possible by eating lots of food that includes biscuits, chocolate, sweets and cakes. This doesn't mean that you can't eat them ever again. You must limit the amount that you have. Small quantities for a special occasion are acceptable. But don't overdo it.
6. Read the labels on food items when doing your grocery shopping. Noticing the amount of calories, sugar and fat that certain foods contain, will help you to cut down. Reducing your intake of calories by 300 - 500 a day can result in a loss of one or two pounds a week. This would be a loss of about 3 stone or more in a year. Slow but sure.

7. Trim all fat from any meats that you have. Stay clear of fried foods and fast foods.

8. Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. Eliminate it if possible.

9. Prepare your own lunch for when you are at work so that you know just exactly what you are eating. Replace sweet things with fruit. Eat wholemeal bread. Use low fat spreads in your sandwiches. Use salads as fillers. These small changes are going to impact on your weight loss immensely.

The slimmer healthier body you have always wanted is just a few steps away if you follow the proven strategies in this article. Healthy weight loss needn't be just a fantasy or only for the chosen few. Use these strategies and very soon you will be the envy of everyone you know.
Cathy Dymond has put together a complimentary report on weight loss that will help you solve your weight loss problems quickly and permanently. To access it instantly, please visit [http://www.yourweightlosssecrets.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cathy_Dymond

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