Seven Smart Tips To Complement Your Weight Loss Efforts

Losing weight requires discipline and thinking in a number of areas, from what you eat and how much of it to how you feel afterwards. Use the following seven tips to complement your efforts to lose weight and see if they don't give you a much needed boost in more ways than one.

1. Fit exercise into your schedule. Most people fail to devote enough time to working out in their day, due to being busy. Avoid this mistake by setting aside time specifically to walk, run, do cardio or aerobics and stick to the schedule. Weight loss without exercise just isn't effective.

2. Quit processed foods. They are loaded with fats, sodium and usually calories, not to mention being unhealthy with all those chemicals. As convenient or yummy as they may be for you, they will be very counterproductive to your weight loss goals.

3. Avoid calories from beverages. They add up much quicker than most people realize, and can actually increase hunger. Don't reach for a soda, even if it's "diet" when you are thirsty and trying to lose weight, grab a bottled water instead. Also, minimize the damage from frothy lattes and specialty iced-coffees by making that in your own kitchen. Stick to the basics and keep cup size moderate.

4. Add fruits and vegetables to every meal. Nobody gets the recommended amounts everyday, and for the person needing to lose weight, they are needed even more. The natural sugars and plentiful vitamins and minerals will work with your body when trying to shed pounds. Have apple slices with breakfast, carrot sticks with lunch and pile on the green vegetables (hold the butter!) for dinner.

5. Moderate your portion sizes. People tend to think that an extra spoonful is harmless, but it adds up quickly. Understand portion measurements according to the instructions of your weight loss agenda and stick to them. Any deviation will throw-off the entire program and leave you wondering why you can't make progress on the scales. Also, it can help to serve food on smaller plates.

6. Change the way you snack. Eating a handful of almonds can actually work with your metabolism and digestion, as can low-fat yogurt. The choices you make with between meal snacking make an enormous difference in your weight loss efforts; look at snacks like dietary aids, rather than small indulgences. Make calculated and informed decisions and speed-up the weight loss process.

7. Find alternatives to eating when you're stressed. Most of us lean on comfort foods when we are overwhelmed by stress and when you need to drop a few pounds, that's a bad habit. Try turning to your favorite exercise instead or music, meditation and reading. Not only will that nervous nibble add undue calories to your day, the guilt will just lead to more stress.

Dieting without losing weight is depressing and frustrating. Use the above tips to make the positive changes necessary to actually make more progress in your weight loss efforts. Once you see the scale move towards the left during weigh-ins, stick to your healthy habits and continue toward your goals.
weight loss

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Natural Hypertension Treatment Through Weight Loss Foods

People who suffer from different diseases often resort to medical treatment right away. This may be a very effective approach to some types of diseases but there are medical conditions and disorders that require more than medication. These diseases require daily proactive approaches to keep them from becoming worse. An example of these diseases is hypertension or high blood pressure. One must realize that immediate results from medications and myths are not possible with this kind of disease. Weight loss foods are among the effective options that you can consider.

What makes hypertension tricky is the fact that it doesn't show any obvious sign and symptom during its early stages only to find out that it already developed in your system slowly and before you know it, you are already suffering from high blood pressure which requires lifetime treatment.

Hypertension or high blood pressure originates from the increased levels of cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol usually comes from fatty foods and general met products. It is true that there are a lot of medications effective enough to control cholesterol levels in the blood but at the expense of side effects and several discomforts.

A better alternative other than pharmaceutical drugs is eating weight loss foods. These foods contain powerful nutrients that help promote a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. They work perfectly in reducing the levels of bad cholesterol (often referred to as LDL or Low Density Lipoprotein). It is the type of cholesterol that blocks the path ways for the blood flow thereby increasing the amount of force or pressure needed to be exerted by the heart thus the term high blood pressure was based.

Weight loss foods also increase the level of good cholesterol (often referred to as HDL or High Density Lipoprotein) inside the body. This HDL acts as an opposition to LDL while maintaining overall balance of cholesterol in the body since moderate amount of cholesterol is still needed for the normal function of the body and for extra energy.

Most weight loss foods come from plants, legumes and herbs. They contain nutrient beneficial in controlling blood pressure and cholesterol while keeping the heart, blood, veins, and arteries healthy so that in turn, they can supply the needed nutrients and oxygen to other body organs for their nourishment. They contain nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, folic acid, plant sterols,
phytochemicals, isoflavones, dietary fibers such as soluble and insoluble fibers, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and potassium. They also contain less salt or salt, trans fat, and preservatives.

These weight loss foods come from general food groups of green leafy vegetables, fruits especially citrus types, oats and whole grains, some dairy products, soy products, nuts and legumes, fish foods, and some herbs and spices. A planned diet for lowering cholesterol should have these foods as the main dishes minimizing fatty, salty and highly processed foods. The key to making your meals as effective alternatives to medicines is adding weight loss foods while avoiding ones that are high in fats and preservatives.

Know more about weight loss and start living a healthy life.
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Cholesterol: Healthy Fats Vs The Unhealthy Fats

If your doctor has told you that your cholesterol levels are too high; this article is for you... because you are not healthy and are in a serious health risk situation.

Whether they've put you on a medication to help you lower cholesterol, or simply told you to consume less cholesterol-containing foods... No matter what you're doing to manage your high cholesterol, it'll help if you clearly understand what's going on inside your body so that you can work your way back to good health.

The fact of the matter is that "high cholesterol" is a pretty complex and potentially dangerous situation.

You see your body makes about 80% of its cholesterol; and the other 20% comes from your diet, more specifically the foods you choose to eat. Dietary cholesterol only enters the body from those foods we eat that are of animal origin; such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products.

All individuals (especially people with high cholesterol levels) should make a point of limiting their intake of dietary cholesterol to less than 300 milligrams a day. But as you'll soon learn, doing that and limiting your dietary cholesterol intake is only a small part of the entire cholesterol-lowering picture
Another major factor to consider is what types of fats you're eating; because that issue can have a much larger effect on your cholesterol levels.

Back in the 90's, after the surge in fad diets based upon the Low-Fat and Fat Free craze swept the nation; many people fell into that group who believe (and many still believe) that any & all fats are bad for you. If you subscribed to that theory, it will undoubtedly come as quite a surprise to many that truth of the matter is that certain types of fat are very valuable and important to maintain your good health.

Basically it all boils down to the fact that some kinds of fat are good for you, while others are clearly not.

Whenever you're making decisions about food choices, the type of fats you choose to consume are just as (if not more) important than the choices you make regarding the amount of cholesterol the food contains.

Here's a Guide to help you better understand the difference... 

Heart-healthy Fats you'll want in a Cholesterol-lowering Diet:

Monounsaturated Fats are the healthiest of the fats. They can actually decrease your total blood Cholesterol while maintaining your HDL (good) cholesterol.

Ideally, most of the fats in your diet should only come from this group. They include: almonds, avocados, cashews, canola oil, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, natural peanut butter, olive oil, olives, pecans, peanuts, peanut oil, pistachios, sesame oil, sesame seeds, tahini paste and humus.

Now you probably know that certain margarines (those made from oils listed above) also fall into this healthy category of fats; but you need to exercise caution when choosing one. Avoid any that list any form of "partially hydrogenated" oil on their label... because THAT is a red flag for unhealthy Trans-Fats (which are explained below).

Polyunsaturated Fats are somewhat healthy fats that decrease your total blood cholesterol by lowering your LDL (bad) cholesterol; but at the same time they also lower your HDL (good) cholesterol level as well!

Lowering your total cholesterol is great, but because these fats also lower your HDL (good) cholesterol, you should only enjoy foods containing them on occasion and in moderation. You'll find polyunsaturated fats in corn oil as well as products made with corn oil, also mayonnaise, pumpkin seeds and in sunflower seeds.

A special sub-group of polyunsaturated fats are the Omega-3 fatty acids.
These are the heart-healthy fats that are found in high-fat fish (like albacore tuna, mackerel and salmon), as well as other cold-water seafood (herring, lake trout, oysters, sardines, shellfish and shrimp). It can also come from plant sources like butternuts (white walnuts), flaxseed and flaxseed oil, hempseed, soybean oil and walnuts.

Certain margarines and most salad dressings (those made primarily of polyunsaturated or omega-3 fats) also fall into this "somewhat" healthy category.

Okay now that you've got a better understanding about which fats to include in your cholesterol-lowering diet... here are the fats that are bad for your health.

The Un-healthy Fats: Fats to avoid for a strong and healthy Heart

Saturated Fat is an unhealthy fat that increases your total cholesterol as well as your LDL (bad) cholesterol. Numerous Nutrition Experts and Cardiologists suggest that limiting your saturated fat intake is one of the most important cholesterol-lowering tips you can follow.

If you want to lower your cholesterol and remain healthy, no more than 10% of your calories should come from saturated fats... meaning about 15-25 grams a day depending on your calorie needs.

Seriously... if you want to avoid any of the health problems associated with high cholesterol (like heart attack, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage or death), you've gotta keep this number as low as possible. Make every effort to limit or better yet, avoid these sources of saturated fat: bacon, bacon grease, beef, butter, cheese, cocoa butter, coconut, coconut milk, coconut oil, cream, cream cheese, ice cream, lard, palm kernel oil, palm oil, pork, poultry, sour cream and whole milk.

Trans Fat... is the unhealthiest fat you can eat! Trans Fat not only increases your total LDL (bad) cholesterol level... It does it while lowering your HDL (good) cholesterol!

As a matter of fact, eating even a small amount of any foods that contain Trans Fats will significantly increase your risk of heart disease! And that's especially true if you already have high-risk factors like elevated cholesterol levels.

In order to reduce your risk of serious health problems, you really need to watch out for and avoid foods that contain Trans Fats as much as possible. Health Experts have yet to establish any level or indicator of what they would consider to be a safe amount of Trans Fats to consume (maybe none!)...
So, just to be safe, you should make every effort to limit your intake of Trans Fats to as close as possible to zero (0) 0 grams.

The food products that are known (by the labels on the side of the package) to contain Trans-Fats include vegetable shortenings, hard stick margarines, crackers, candies, cookies, snack foods (like potato chips), fried foods, doughnuts, pastries, baking mixes and icings, store-bought baked goods (like pies, cakes, pastries) and more... much more... basically nearly all mass-produced processed foods.

Although some fats (like Mono-unsaturated and Omega-3′s) are healthier than others (Saturated Fats & Trans Fats), it's important to remember that all fats are very high in calories. Consuming too many (even the healthy ones) can cause your body to store fat and result in major weight gain. So it's important to watch what you eat and limit your total fat intake to less than 30% of your daily caloric intake.

In other words, try to limit your Fat intake to 45 to 65 grams a day (more or less depending on your calorie needs).

Of course, there's far more to a cholesterol-lowering plan than just eating good fats and avoiding the bad ones... regular Exercise, following a healthy diet and not smoking also play important roles in order to lose weight and to keep healthy.

For a great resource of valuable information on a wide variety of Boomer-related issues (Anti-Aging; Diet & Nutrition; Fitness & Exercise; Weight Loss; Travel Tips and more); go to
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How to Trim Body Fat With Good Food?

Dieting is one of the most daunting tasks an overweight or obese person has to go through. While some people are on a constant diet in order to maintain a fit figure, the topic is more serious to people who have accumulated excessive fats, thus endangering their health. Too much fat in the body puts a person at risk in many serious diseases such stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, gall bladder problems, and breathing.

Health sectors all over the world are in a constant battle in campaigning the importance of dieting and nutrition which led to the introduction of various methods in order to lose weight. If you look it up on the internet, you will find yourself flooded with dieting tips, supplements, workout plans and never ending products that offer quick results.

The truth is, learning how to trim body fat is easy, and it's executing it which gives a person a hard time. Many find it hard to stay loyal and be disciplined to a specific regimen which is why many people rely on crash-diet methods so they can lose fat in a matter of days. Crash dieting can be helpful at times but it can be dangerous if continuously done.

Fat Burning Foods
Most people think that reducing the amount of food intake will help the drastically lose weight. That's true considered that less food can means less calories. But on a deeper note, it's actually the kind of food you eat that's should be more focused on. Eating high calorie foods everyday in little amounts won't help. It's still full of unhealthy fat which is dangerous.

Choosing fresh instead of processed is always best, especially to those who want to keep a healthy lifestyle instead of focusing more on being slim. Remember that being slim doesn't mean that you are healthy. You still need to eat the right kind of food to keep your energy up.

1. Dairy Products - calcium found in dairy products such as low fat cheese, milk, butter and yogurt helps in breaking down fat cells. Having this array of foods around the house will also keep you away from eating high fat content foods since milk and cheese help in suppressing hunger.

2. Apples - apples are good for the digestive tract and improves metabolism. This fruit also helps in maintaining the blood sugar levels in the body so fats can easily break down.

3. Citrus Fruits - grapefruits, lemons, and other citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, galacturonic acid and pectin which help in burning the fats in the body as well as reducing the level of cholesterol to avoid heart diseases.

4. Asparagus - asparagus is a very beneficial vegetable that helps the body in absorbing water. It is also rich in vitamins which will prevent the accumulation of fat. The human body will burn fats faster if constantly fueled with water.

5. Soy Products - foods like tofu may look simple and ordinary to most people, but it actually contains phyto-nutrients which aides in the body's fat burning activity. The isoflavones found in tofu will help in breaking down fat easily.

6. Green Tea - the benefits of green tea has been long recognized. It has been used by the ancient Chinese and now, a lot of people are becoming aware of its fat burning properties. Green tea will improve metabolism and it also contains flavonoids and catechins which fight off cancer. Other than that, drinking green tea regularly also satiates hunger.

7. Acai Berries - this South American berry is labeled as a superfood. It's one of the most recent discoveries in the field of health which can contribute greatly to weight loss. Acai berries increases metabolism as well as help in the formation of lean and toned muscles. Fresh acai berries are hard to find, but you can buy frozen ones in many supermarkets and fruit retailers.

8. Chili Peppers - now this can be eaten raw if a person can handle it. Otherwise, incorporating it in other foods will make it easier for you to digest it. Chili peppers can be mixed in pretty much anything and is a good source of calorie-burning properties. There are also available chili supplements in many drugstores if you cannot take too much spicy food.

9. Complex Carbohydrates - oatmeal, cereal, granola, bagels, and whole wheat bread are some examples of complex carbo foods. These foods take much longer to be digested so you feel full for a long a time. It helps prevent you from craving desserts and candies thus helping you in controlling the amount of calories that should be taken everyday.

10. Lean Meat - lean meat is rich in protein which contributes greatly on a person's energy. Protein is also more difficult to digest than other food groups, which is why the body works harder which in turn will help in burning calories more. Fish, lean pork and chicken are foods with high protein content. If you want something with fewer calories, look for turkey meat. Turkey meat has the least number of calories than any other kind of meat.

Eating these foods will help you on your quest on how to trim body fat. The greatest challenge is controlling yourself to get rid of your old favorites and replace them with new and healthier ones, which are mentioned above. But, eating these foods without being mobile will actually result to nothing. If you really want to be healthy, you have to exercise and at least move your body. Sitting all day long won't do you good. Enroll in a workout facility so a trainer can guide you step by step. If you don't have time to spare on the gym, do some basic cardiovascular exercises like jogging, walking, or the jumping rope. Do this 3 times a week and gradually change your pace until you are able to keep up with an everyday workout.

A lot of people have been asking, how to trim body fat and constantly look for the easiest way to do it. The truth of the matter is, there is no easy way to lose weight but you can make it fun. Work hard, be disciplined and achieve your goal. Ask someone to help you and find a good regimen which you will enjoy in order to achieve your goal faster.

Stay informed, educate yourself, and take the next step towards a Happy Healthy Lifestyle. Visit us at
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Challenging The Weight Loss Status Quo

If losing weight is so easy then why isn't everyone in perfect shape and their ideal weight?
It's actually not the activities and lifestyle changes that are the hard part with maintaining your ideal weight or just taking off those extra nagging pounds. The problem tends to be two-fold. The weight loss industry promises instant quick-fix results and we are all too busy to take care of our bodies.
Big time weight loss advertisers have known for years how to get in the heads of consumers. Promise them overnight or instant results if they just buy their pills, gadgets, DVD's or diet plans. But do any of these really work. Here's the skinny...

They do work to get you short term results. But, the problem with them all is that they make changes to your lifestyle that are painful, time consuming, or just downright too hard to maintain over an extended period of time. And of course they want you to immediately change everything overnight.

Sure if you radically change your life overnight you can get fast results. But the problem aren't the fast results, it's the mental toll that this takes on you. Your body and mind reject the new way of living because honestly, as human beings, we're programmed to avoid change. We like to be comfortable and generally protect the way we've always done things at all costs. That's why as soon as your quit your new diet or exercise program, you rebound so far the other way to compensate for that pain, that you will actually gain back more weight than when you started in the first place.

One of the main reasons why you can't sustain these results long term is because you're busy. You have relationships, kids, jobs, friends, activities, meals, relaxing time, driving in rush hour, and then when you're day is finally done you still need to sleep.

Who has time to work on losing weight or some crazy new weight loss program? And if you don't have time to take care of your body at the basic level, you normally don't have time or the energy to take off the excess pounds that you've accumulated over the years.

Want a simple solution to both of these systematic weight loss problems?

Instead you should seek a weight loss solution that slowly changes your lifestyle over the course of time with small changes. Doctors and Fitness trainers agree that lifestyle changes are the way to go when it comes to weight loss and they're in a constant battle with the Diet and Weight Loss Industry about it.

Try implementing small lifestyle changes into your life like drinking more water every day, or eating smaller meals more times per day. These changes will immediately start to help boost your metabolism and bring your body back into a better functioning state.

Joel Broughton is a Dad and Home Business Entrepreneur. If you would like a sample of a great metabolism booster to help in your weight loss go here: Automatic Body Skinne Sample.
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Why Can't I Lose Weight?

Have you found yourself asking this question after several failed attempts at losing weight? Most likely, you already know that eating right and regular exercise goes hand in hand when it comes to losing weight, right? So why are you not doing it, and if you are doing it, why are you not losing weight? The first step is to identify the problem.

Maybe you are not addressing the things that are causing stress in your life. Oftentimes the stress in our lives stems from issues with money (debt), our relationships (with our higher power, our selves, and/or others), and our physical environment (clutter). Achieving and maintaining balance in these areas will free up energy which will allow you to go full force in pursuing your weight loss goal.
Maybe you haven't reached the point of being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Oftentimes it's when people reach this point, that lasting change occurs.

Maybe you have not stuck to a plan long enough to see the results. You must remember that you didn't put the weight on over-night, so it is not going to come off over-night.

Maybe you are setting unrealistic goals for yourself. To say that you want to lose 30 lbs. in 30 days is putting way too much pressure on yourself, and it's not healthy. As you continue to set these unrealistic goals, and fail to meet them, you eventually become so discouraged that you just give up.
Maybe you are exercising, and not watching what you eat, or maybe you are watching what you eat, but not exercising. A healthy diet and regular exercise are not only essential for weight loss, but also for your overall health. If you wish to see results, you must do both consistently.

Maybe you started, and then stopped, because you came to the conclusion that you just don't have the time and/or money. As women, we wear many hats... Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Employee, Student, etc. With each of these roles we have certain responsibilities, however, when we don't tend to ourselves, these roles become overwhelming. Women must understand that when we take the time to nurture and invest in our MIND and our BODY, we are put into a position to better serve others.
Maybe you feel that you have so much weight to lose, that just the thought of entering into a weight loss plan seems daunting. That is understandable, and that is why continuous motivation and support is especially important for you.

Finally, maybe there is an underlying health condition that you are unaware of that is preventing you from losing weight. Health conditions that can hinder weight loss are hypothyroidism and thyroid disorders, bipolar disorder and depression, Cushing's syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome. If you are sure you are doing all that you can and the weight is still not coming off, you may want to see your physician.

After you've identified the problem, the next step is to ask yourself, "How can I overcome this/these obstacles?" A Health Coach who specializes in weight loss may be able to help you.

Health Coaches are knowledgeable advisors who provide ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and happiness. A Health Coach will help you to navigate the world of contradictory nutrition advice to determine what changes are necessary for you, help you create a personalized program that will radically improve your health and happiness, and address concerns specific to you and your body and discover the tools you need for a lifetime of balance.

Now that you have identified the problem and have a possible solution, the next step is to take action, and remember, keep it simple sweetie.

Jacquelyn Hollister is a Certified Health Coach who specializes in weight loss. She has been trained in more than one hundred dietary theories and has studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. Drawing on this knowledge, she helps women create a completely personalized "roadmap to health" that suits their unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals. Learn more about Jacquelyn Hollister and her unique approach to health coaching by scheduling a free consultation at

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Foundational Principles for Effective Weight Loss

Though losing weight is no doubt one of the most difficult things to do for many people, it does not have to be that way. Finding the secret to successful weight loss will be different for each individual, but rest assured that there is a method that will work. You just have to find the right combination of motivating factors and approaches that actually lead to success. We often look for a life-changing secret, when the simple, foundational principles that we already know end up being the key to winning major battles. Explore some of those ideas here and apply them to your own life.

Everyone knows that goal-setting is crucial to consistent and solid success. This applies to businesses as well as to personal endeavors, including weight loss. Even more important than setting a goal, however, it making it a realistic one. Nothing is more discouraging than to pour all your time and energy into reaching a goal then finding that it was an impossible one. This can be disheartening in the very least and can even lead to feelings of failure and eventual defeat. Bypass this problem altogether by deciding what you can realistically accomplish and then deciding on specific steps that will get you there.

In addition to writing down your goals and steps to achieving them, it can be a tremendous help to keep an ongoing journal of the entire experience. If in times that you fail, write down what happened and your feelings toward it. If you can, also include what else was going on that day or that week, in your life at work, home, school or wherever you were. This can help you to identify factors that may be contributed to your failure, so that you can avoid them from that point onward.

It is said that misery loves company, but so does happiness. Finding a buddy who will join you in your weight loss adventure can be a source of much encouragement. It will give you someone to rejoice with, and that person will know exactly what was involved to get to those happy milestones. It will also make both of you accountable to one another, which is a proven motivator for most people.
Exercise is a vital part of any weight loss regimen, so find things that you actually enjoy doing. The chances that you will continue doing them are much higher if the activities appeal to you as a person. Pinpoint what you like and what makes you feel invigorated and enthusiastic. It could be swimming or dance classes, kayaking, jogging or even just brisk walking. The most important thing is to just get moving. As you become healthier and more fit, you can expand your options and explore new territory with your newly improved body.

Plan meals ahead of time, rather than waiting until you get hungry. Having healthy meals and snacks prepared will greatly reduce the chance that you will be tempted to eat other things. Snacking is a good thing, so have small nourishing snacks with you at all times. Eat small portions more often and avoid the heavier, calorie-laden meals.

These seemingly small things can be the first stepping stones to a life that you have always wanted. Move forward today and claim your spot in the circle of healthy, successful people in the world today.

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Are Weight Loss Exercises The Same For Women And Men?

This is a fairly common question among women. Almost all weight loss products claim to work the same for both genres but science has proven that they are completely different. Fat burning exercises for women are meant to be customized due to the differences in terms of anatomy when compared to men.

One of the body's most efficient fat burners is the muscle cells themselves. The differences in anatomy dictate that women have less lean muscle than men and implicitly, a lower calorie burning potential. Since gym exercises are considered one of the most efficient ways to burn fat, customization of programs is required to achieve similar results to men.

The first misconception about weight is that diet can cure any problem. Existing calories will not get consumed by themselves. Since muscles are the greatest consumers, gym seems like the best solution for a weight problem. Additionally, fat burning exercises for women need a bit of customization.

While men can lose weight without cardio, women will have to use this additional means of burning calories. This process starts with the overall improvement of muscle mass without increasing it.

Women do not need to gain muscle mass as much as men but the health of the tissue determines the ability of the body to burn calories. This can be achieved by lifting lower weights that will not lead to micro muscle ruptures. Using less weight will only stimulate the activity of the tissue. Lifting heavy weights will increase the mass and this is an unwanted effect.

Muscle fever is to be expected. Even if fat burning exercises for women are meant to be mild, pain is inevitable. Knowing how to deal with it for the first few sessions is important. Once a routine is established, recovery should get easier. Pushing the exercises too much will cause more harm than damage. It is important for the body to still be able to perform exercises rather than skipping a day. For example, if in one day you work too much doing push ups and stepper exercises, you will not be able to do cardio the next day.

To make the most out of it, it is important to cycle trough exercises and never perform the same ones two days in a row. Forcing the same group of muscles each session leaves very little time for recovery. Alternation of exercises minimizes muscle damage and improves calorie burning while preventing excessive pain. Experts claim that "The best exercise is the one you're not doing". This statement points out how important knowledge really is. Advanced weight loss programs contain super sets that are not that common. Simple routines such as Mountain Climber with hands on Swiss ball can help a lot even if they are not that commonly seen in gyms. They can be done home as well but very few people know how effective they are.

Fat burning exercises for women are meant to be different. Men have more lean muscle and a higher calorie burning potential. Additionally, they can lift heavier weights without worrying that their abs gains too much muscle. These simple differentiate the exercises from genre to genre and knowledge plays an important part.

Natural and effective Fat Burning Exercise For Women
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Weight Loss Hypnosis: Staying In Control In A Supersized World

In a supersized world, people have many opportunities to eat and drink WAY too much, but what's behind obesity is usually more than craving a large order of fries. In America, a major diet industry has grown around obesity and forces overweight people to pay a big price for trendy diets, pills, or expensive and high-risk surgeries. By eliminating carbohydrates or fat, taking pills or injections, sprinkling crystals on your food, resorting to surgical intervention, or drinking miracle diet potions, many dieters temporarily lose pounds - but they do not lose the mindset that contributes toward weight gain. The result is that after all that hard work and potentially spending thousands of dollars, most dieters gain back their weight and feel even more discouraged.

Weight loss hypnosis can help you change how you feel and get control of your bad dieting habits.

Weigh Loss Hypnosis Breaks Down WHY You Eat

Hypnosis training has helped people lose weight sustainably by changing how they feel about their eating habits, reducing stress and pressure and learning how to relax. Eating too much has nothing to do with hunger, but instead has everything to do with high stress, racing thoughts, and other negative emotional feelings that food allows a person to distract themselves from feeling.

Like all hypnosis, weight loss hypnosis uses the power of suggestion while people are in a relaxed state as long as the suggestions are consistent with what the person WANTS to do in the first place. Part of the emphasis is on shifting preferences and choices toward better choices in food and overcoming your food cravings. Since many dieters have negative thought patterns that encourage them to use donuts and cheesy bacon bowls to change how they feel, weight loss hypnosis also encourages you to see yourself as a strong person who does not need food to change anything. You learn to see changing eating patterns not as deprivation but as empowering and easy because it's what you want to do in the first place.

Does Weight Loss Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis can be thought of as a skill - a tool that people use to relax, change their perspectives and feelings in a healthier, more positive and useful way. All hypnosis is "self hypnosis" so the person is 100% in charge of how it work and what the results are. The hypnotist is like a trainer who teaches and guides the person in a relaxed and easy way to learning what they need to be successful. This is all based, of course, on the DECISION to lose weight the person makes in the first place - hypnosis is never a replacement for a personal decision. Neither the hypnotist nor hypnosis itself can "make" a person do anything. The person has to want to lose weight, then hypnosis can support that decision and often they never have to be on another diet again.

Why Hypnosis Is A Great Weight Loss Approach

Successful weight loss depends on motivation. When people start on diets, they tend to be fired up when starting out. They may lose weight, but when the progress slows down, they may get
discouraged. Even someone who has lost a considerable amount of weight plateaus at certain points as the body fights against weight-loss.

When you try hard to lose and you're not losing much, discouragement makes it easier to rationalize falling off the wagon. You think, "I'm not losing anyway, so I might as well have that hot fudge sundae." Or, "I didn't exercise today, so just forget it - the week is ruined." Weight loss hypnosis trains you to think like thin people, make decisions about food like this people and eat like thin people. Contrary to some thinking, naturally thin people are not that way because they always eat chicken and salad with no dressing. Instead, they know what would feel good in their stomachs BEFORE they eat, then they can eat what they want in moderation, and know when to stop eating based on how they FEEL, and regard treats as occasional small indulgences, not a daily necessity of junk food that they later feel emotionally and physically lousy about eating.

Weight loss hypnosis promotes safe weight loss. It keeps your attitude positive, even when weight loss is slow at times because while the weight loss will always fluctuate a little from week to week, the other results of hypnosis such as improved self esteem, relaxation, motivation and a calm state of mind continue to grow. Hypnosis changes the connection between food and emotions as it re-creates proper states of minds toward eating. Because the program does not rely on drugs and there are no diets of any kind, hypnosis is a healthy approach to weight loss that can leave you slimmer, more relaxed and with substantial changes in how you approach food and your emotions.

As with all hypnosis, most people can respond to suggestions made when they are in a very relaxed state. A good hypnotist will evaluate whether you're a good candidate for weight loss hypnosis based on the strength of your desire to change, and your willingness to accept training and follow instructions.

How Do You Select A Weight-Loss Hypnotist?
Weight loss hypnosis is most effective when performed by professionals who have a lot of experience with hypnosis in general and hypnosis for weight loss in particular. Make sure to ask about their training and their history successes working with many weight loss people. They should be able to show plenty of favorable results and have actual comments and outcomes provided by people.
If you're ready to stop dieting forever and create a healthy, easy attitude toward food, weight loss hypnosis may be right for you.

Southeast Hypnosis offers hypnosis for weight control, to stop smoking, and to relieve stress and anxiety. Learn more about their Houston hypnosis services by visiting the website for more information.

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Thermoregulation and Weight Loss

A short article on another factor that we humans take for granted, but we never had the luxury of, when we were running barefoot in the fields hunting large mammals. Don not get hot under your collar man I'm talking about temperature control (it wouldn't be a article without a bad joke). Today, we live in a world where ambient temperature is constant. Rather than toughing the environment we have air conditioned, or heated, buildings, cars and public transport and so on. It is not often we have to face the extremes in temperature unless we are running from the taxi to the building door. We are typically in a very narrow temperature range that suits us. BUT, and there is always a but, this comes at a cost.

There is an ambient thermoneutral zone where energy expenditure is minimised to maintain internal temperature in our bodies. When the temperature is too cold, we expend energy by shivering to try and heat ourselves up. If it is too hot we sweat to cool ourselves down. If it is within this zone then our bodies do not need to spend so much energy to maintain core body temperature (37 deg cel). With modern technologies we are lucky enough to keep ourselves within this zone almost all the time. The byproduct is that our bodies spend far less energy to stay warm than they would have done otherwise. This technique is commonly used to promote weight gain in livestock and I see no reason why it would not occur in us too.

In the year 2000 I was lucky enough to travel to Antarctic continent to do some researches, field work and study fish and penguin populations down there. I was very cold most of the time and I put on 10 kilograms because I was constantly eating. This is a very common phenomenon when people go to the 'ice'. They eat and eat and eat and put on a lot of extra weight. The amount of energy needed to keep warm is huge and typically a person eats double the amount of calories they normally do to keep up. Of course I had free supply of food and made the most of this food. The message from this is that our bodies can spend a HUGE amount of energy keeping warm or cool, and this energy is no longer used in today's world.

Phill Barnett is a health blogger Who writes for
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A Healthy Weight Loss Panel

Not all humans were made equal. Some are short, others are tall, there are differences in eye color, hair color and skin tones. Those are things beyond our control. That is how we were born and if we end up unhappy because of how we look, we can always point the finger at our genetic makeup.

However, there are several things that we can control to present ourselves better to the rest of the "humanverse", and get the feel-good factor and confidence that we get when we know we look good.

Hairstyles, hygiene, personal grooming, and the way we dress are all factors that contribute to our looks. And of course, the one question that preys on all of our minds, how much do we weigh?

The plethora of choices available makes it difficult to figure out which one is the best, or even if weight loss plans work at all? On a fundamental level, they do work. Each and every one of them will help you lose weight. But shouldn't the goal really be a stable and sustained weight loss?

Most people tend to notice immediate progress when they go on a plan. They find a weight loss plan, follow it, start losing weight and feeling good about themselves. Then they lose focus and a-whoops-e-daisy! The fat marches back in like a conquering hero, and lays ruin to all the hard work.

If you really are gearing up to become slimmer, it is important to make a long-term commitment to the mission. You have to go out and find the most suitable weight loss plan, your soul mate. And then you court it, and understand it. Once you find compatibility, you propose, and then you marry the weight loss plan, making it a part of the rest of your life.

Do I even need to Lose Weight?

Before you put on your armor and head out into the battlefield for a crusade against high body fat, you should stop and ask yourself a few questions first. Are you really even overweight, or not? How much weight do you need to lose? People start on this path, and sometimes, they forget to look back. They forget that staying healthy is most important, not the numbers on the weighing machine.

Why do you want to lose weight in the first place? Is it health concerns that bother you, or vanity? Is it, perhaps, a bruised ego - comments passed at work or a social gathering? It is a long and dark road that leads to a slim, healthy body. You need the right motivation to travel upon it, and overcome the obstacles on the way. Do not let other people's opinions cloud your judgment, and give up halfway, for the faint-hearted shall remain forever fat!

How Do I Go About Losing Weight?

Well, it's quite simple really. You starve yourself. No? But it will make you lose weight!

That is really not the purpose though, is it? It shouldn't be. Losing weight alone should never be the objective, because starvation will do that to you, and it is easy. No, the aim is to develop and maintain a healthy body that looks good. More importantly, a body that makes you feel good.

By now, you should have thought about why you want or need to lose weight, how much do you need to lose, and if you want to lose it at all.

Now that you're all set and motivated to begin the slim regime, let's talk about the different methods and strategies that can help you lose weight. There are basically only three ways to go: diet plans, exercise regimens or a combination of the diet and exercise.

A lot of people do not even really need a weight loss plan. All they need to do is alter a few daily habits just slightly, and they'll notice the changes they wanted coming along pretty nicely. Sometimes, our daily routines or our eating habits are the only things standing in our way.

What most people do not realize is that not only is it important to eat right, it is also essential to eat at the right time. The same theory applies to sleep as well. The ideal time to sleep is at 10:00 p.m. at night, for six hours, until 04:00 a.m. in the morning.

So make a schedule, figure out your eating and sleeping patterns, plan the rest of your day around them, and then stick to that schedule. You'll notice an almost immediate improvement in your body and in your overall health condition.

Most people, however, do need a proper weight loss plan. Just fixing their eating or sleeping habits won't bring about the changes required. Some of them are too busy, or too lazy, in their daily lives to do any exercise, and need diet-only plans. Others love eating so much; they want an exercise-only plan, so they don't have to make nutritional sacrifices. While a few others will opt for the complete health package, and ask for a healthy weight loss plan that includes both exercise and a proper diet.
Tips for a slimmer body trick

As mentioned in the previous chapter, sometimes all that's needed to lose those few, extra pounds of fat is a slight alteration to our daily habits.

The excess weight that you're trying to get rid of so desperately with complex diet and exercise programs might just be the result of habits not even based in your eating patterns.

Tips n' Tricks

1. Sleep! The importance of a good, long, comfortable sleep at the right times cannot be stressed upon enough. Lack of sleep can lead to overeating, and thus weight problems, through stimulation of appetite.

2. It's cliché, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. It allows you to focus, and gives you the physical and mental energy for the rest of the day by stimulating your metabolism.

3. Preparation is everything. Bring out the paper and pen, and write down what you plan to eat for the week. Make a table, list the twenty-one meals and then try your best to stick to the schedule.

4. It takes approximately twenty minutes for your brain to realize that you should stop eating now. Tedious, eh? Take your time, eat slowly and chew thoroughly. There really is no hurry after all.

5. Do your own cooking. Not only does it allow you to experiment with a variety of foods and tastes, while helping you resist the urge of fattening junk food, it can also be an entirely rewarding and satisfactory experience.

6. It's the spices that bring variety to one's life. Try new ones. People find dieting hard because they often restrict themselves to bland food, like raw vegetables! Spices are not fattening. Experiment with them to add unique flavors to your cooking and make dieting more interesting for yourself.

7. This is probably the hardest tip to follow. Raid your refrigerator, take everything that might put you off your diet plan and then get rid of it. Yes, even if it means the cheese and the chocolates. Oh, and all those fuzzy drinks too!

8. Water sustains life, it nurtures life. It is life. Drink at least one glass of water before every meal to keep that appetite in check, and make sure you drink eight or more glasses of water every day.

9. Snacking is not good. Get into the habit of brushing your teeth after everything you eat, and you won't be tempted to eat as much, or as often.

10. Stay active! Find alternates to some of your chores. Walk to the supermarket for groceries instead of driving. Take the stairs to work instead of riding the elevator. Small, little changes like those can go a long way helping you lose weight, and then maintain that weight loss.
For your success

Adrian Obijeski
For a more detailed information, diet plans, motivation and specific weight loss exercises, please visit
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