The Simplest Ways to Naturally Burn Belly Fat and Flatten Your Stomach

Every day, there is bound to be someone who will try to convince you that there are new and miraculous ways to burn belly fat, cut belly fat, or flatten your stomach. It's true, there are a lot out there. Between fad diets, potentially dangerous supplements, and drastic plastic surgery, there are really thousands of ways to lose and keep weight off. There are, however, two very basic and easy methods of getting rid of fat and keeping it off: eating less and exercising more.

This article will outline a few ways in which you can ensure that your body can boost its ability to burn calories, whether or not you are active. These methods ensure that you will be able to burn that belly fat and get the flattened stomach that you want.

More Green Tea!
The powerful anti-oxidants in green tea have been determined to possess health benefits including lowering the risk of heart disease, cancer, and kidney stones and improving LDL cholesterol and arthritis. Scientists have also discovered that green tea delivers a massive metabolic boost that allows you to burn up to 4% more calories ensuring that you can cut belly fat rapidly. In addition to that, green tea also acts as a natural immune booster!

Eat Smaller Meals, More Frequently!

As children, we were taught that three square meals a day was the right intake. Recently, it has been discovered that eating 5-6 smaller meals a day is better for spreading out the energy that we need to last us through the day. Eating more frequently will also keep the metabolism boosted, ensuring that our bodies are always working and burning belly fat.

Cold Water is Good!

It's common knowledge that water is good for our bodies. In addition to being a natural appetite suppressant, an intake of water ensures that the body is always hydrated and running on a faster metabolism. What we didn't know was that cold water is even better! Drinking colder water means our bodies burn energy to get the water's temperature equal to our body temperature. When we use energy, we burn calories. When we burn calories, we lose fat and flatten our stomachs.

More Movement, More Activity!

The simple act of lifting weights a couple of times a week can lead to an increase in muscle mass. This is important because muscle burns more calories than fat. An additional cardio routine, done earlier in the day, will create massive metabolic momentum. Our bodies will burn more calories throughout the day making sure that the belly fat will come off, whether at work or rest.

Weight loss doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, it's seriously simple. By turning up the metabolic rate, the body burns calories around the clock. Adding any one of these steps can boost the resting

metabolism, cut belly fat, and aid weight loss. A way to burn belly fat is here! More green tea! Cold water is good! More movement! Smaller meals! This is the best way to flatten your stomach.

For healthy recipes and the best diet to lose weight and reduce fat visit Fat Loss Recipes. Go to my fat loss program review site at: To Speed Up Metabolism to get information on the top fat loss programs that help you to burn fat and keep it off.

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4 Tips to Reduce Body Fat Without Losing Muscle

So It's Time To Reduce Body Fat
If you are like many people working out, you probably have a bit more body fat than you would like. There are tons of guys in gyms that lift hard during the year to gain mass, but they also have put on a bit of fat during this time. If you want a pleasing physique, you are going to need to get down to a respectable body fat level.

Tip Number 1: Continue to Lift Heavy During This Dieting Period
The common mistake that many people make is that they want to "lift for high reps" to tone the muscles. Tone is mainly caused by having a low body fat percentage, not the type of lifting you are performing. The reason you want to continue to lift heavy and make strength gains is that you want to make sure your body holds on to that hard earned muscle. If you lift light for high reps, your body doesn't have any reason to keep that muscle mass.

Tip Number 2: Reduce Body Fat at A Slow Rate
Give yourself plenty of time to get lean. Many people decide they want to get in shape two months before summer or a vacation. I recommend at least 3-4 months, if you want to get super-lean without losing muscle mass. The slower you reduce body fat, the less likely you will lose muscle mass. This makes sense because in order to lose body fat you need to eat less calories than what you burn and you need to perform a significant amount of cardio. In order to drop fat quickly, you have to go too low in calories to maintain the current amount of muscle you have. You will lose muscle mass. If you create a slight calorie deficit and lose only 1 to 2 pounds a week, you are much better off.

Tip Number 3: Perform High Intensity Interval Training
High Intensity Interval Training is the most effective form of cardio to burn body fat without losing muscle. To see the evidence, let's compare these two types of cardio in a real world situation. Sprinters have much more muscle than marathon runners. Sprinters perform a quick burst of effort, followed by a period of resting. Marathon runners train using the "slow and steady cardio" that is recommended by most trainers. I don't know about you, but I would rather look like a sprinter! When you hit cardio, alternate intense sprinting type efforts for 30 seconds followed by a minute or so of a less intense effort. Continue this pattern for 15 minutes. You will burn body fat while keeping that hard earned muscle.

Tip Number 4: Eat a "Realistic" Strict Diet
If you try to go too strict on your diet, you won't be able to maintain your diet for very long. My rule of thumb is this...I try to make sure that at least 75% of my meals are really clean and low calorie. If I do decide to eat a bit junky, I will try to make sure it is after a long and hard workout. Also I will eat pretty low carbs during the day before my workout, to maximize the amount of fat burned in my workout. If you have too much carbs in your system while working out, your body will burn carbs instead of the fat off your body. This really makes a big difference in your quest to reduce body fat.
Give These 4 Tips To Reduce Body Fat a Try!

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Foods That Burn Fat Fast - 7 Fat Burning Foods

"Give me a list of foods that burn fat fast" is a very common asked question on different weight loss and diet forums. But is the idea that food can burn fat actually true.

What are fast burning foods?
You know already if we eat more calories than our body can burn we gain weight.
It's true that certain foods will boost your metabolism but only if you eat them as a part of a effective diet and weight loss programme.

Fat burning foods.

Fat burning food #1: Apples:

Do you remember the old saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".

Well not only a doctor but also the extra pounds as well.

Apples contain the highest percentage of pectin, this is a soluble fiber.
There was an interesting study in Brazil about weight loss and apples .

2 groups of dieters were getting exactly the same amount of calories but with one exception.
One group was getting an apple before each meal. And this group lost 33% more in weight.

Fat burning food #2: Garlic:

Garlic is one of the most effective fat burning foods.

It contains the compound allicin which has anti bacterial effects and helps reduce cholesterol and unhealthy fats.

Fat burning food #3 Tomatoes:

Tomatoes is very effective to add on your diet. Not only are they good in your battle against overweight but they are also an excellent prevention against cancers and high blood pressure.

Fat burning food #4 Carrots:

Adding a carrot to the beginning of every meal is a very effective way to lose weight. Why do you ask? The carrot leaves no room in the stomach for the dessert.

When using this trick you should been able to lose about a pound in one week.

Fat burning food # 5: Oranges

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C and they have fat burning properties.
Compared with exercises they are an effective way to lose fat.

Fat burning food # 6: Mangoes

Mangoes are full packed with fiber and are low in calories.

Fat burning food #7: Spinach.

Popey gets his strength by eaten spinach and yes they are very healthy. Spinach contains a lot of iron; it is an exceptional nutrition food and is a good prevention against cancer.

Please keep in mind that this list is not completed. A good way to lose fat with eating is food rich in fibres, low calories and food that gives your stomach a feeling of being fulfilled.

I hope you have enjoyed the list of 7 fat burning foods.

When it comes to fat burning burn the fat feed the muscle is the only source you need.
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More intrested in tips to lose weight instead of fat then visit my blog

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Best Sports and Exercise Options For Weight Loss

It's all well and good for me to say you should exercise more. But what should you do? How should you do it? Where and when and how often? Those are the questions this article will answer. Choosing the right exercise means developing a balanced weekly activity routine that suits your lifestyle, circumstances, preferences, and abilities.

The right exercise for you
Putting more activity into your life is a matter of talking it a step at a time. It's unrealistic and unsafe to expect to go from couch potato to weekend warrior in a day, a week, or even a month. If you start off with something that is beyond your level of fitness, the chances are great that will become discouraged and stop.

The wong way I have a friend who was a cross-country runner in high school. In the intervening 40 years, he's shifted his extracurricular activity to reading gourmet cookbooks and eating the results of his research. Every once in a while, he decides he really should get some exercise, so he laces up his running shoes and runs for a mile. He comes home panting and sweating, lamenting that a mile just seems a lot longer than it used to. And that's the end of running until the next time. . . a month or more down the road. What he is doing is both foolish and dangerous. But you know that.

The right way Another friend of mine had done little exercise for years when she decided she was looking pudgy and feeling low­energy. She joined a gym and started going to beginner-level exercise classes twice a week. On the days she did not take a class, she used the treadmill at 2 mph for 30 minutes and then did a training-machine circuit, using the lowest possible weights.

She told me that at first there were exercises she simply could not do. Double crunches, for example, put an impossible strain on her back. And there were others she could do, but not for as many reps as the instructor counted out. But she hung in there, doing as much as she could.

To her amazement and delight, she found she was gradually able to do more. As her abdominal muscles got stronger, so did her back. Double crunches were possible, though she still could not do as many as other people in the class. She increased her speed on the treadmill, getting up to 3 mph at a slight incline. She increased the weights on the training machines. Before long, she stopped feeling like the newest kid on the block. She did it the right way, and the results were obvious.

How fit are you? (revisited)
Take out your weight-loss notebook and turn to the part of your personal database that you filled out while doing the self­assessment in Chapter How fit are you. Review your answers to the lifestyle activity quiz. If anything has changed, revise it.

If it's been a while since you filled out this section, take the strength, endurance, and flexibility yardstick tests again, and enter any changes into your database. If you took one of the online fitness tests, you might want to do it again, and enter any changes in your database.

The entries you now have in your personal database are what experts call your baseline, where you were when you began. As you become more active, you will be able to measure yourself against this baseline and see how much your fitness level has improved.

Your fitness level will improve as you begin to exercise more.
What seems to be just too hard may become just hard enough. And in time, what's enough will seem easy.
Read out for Swimming to lose weight. Check out BMR Calculator and 1000 calorie diet plans.
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Weight Loss Secrets: Keep It Off

Irrespective of your nature, it is best to tackle weight related problems head on. In a world where we eat on the go and portions are massively sized, it can be tough to maintain a healthy diet. In such a scenario, healthy weight loss can seem like a real challenge. What adds to the problem is that fad diets are abundant and plans which attempt to give a quick fix to the matter confuse and tempt us and fail to function. The problem with weight management is that it makes you look as well as feel better, but at the same time affects your future health.

The basis of the weight loss secrets is to reduce the chances of creating serious health risks like diabetes or heart diseases. If your previous attempt had been a failure or the past events of your life led to weight reduction, do not feel discouraged. It is important to locate a plan that functions according to the individual needs of your body to help you avert the common pitfalls and make lasting changes to your lifestyle for happy and healthy weight loss. Here are the common reasons for failure:

- Do not go for diets which deprive you. Some of the meal plans may not allow different types of foods such as fat, carbs or sugar in moderation. These diets are just not practical and do not encourage healthy weight loss. Moreover, such diets are unhealthy and eliminate certain food groups by creating an imbalance in the body.

- The unhealthy diets lead you to 'plateau' once you have lost a few pounds. If you are to understand the weight loss secrets, take up workouts and exercises. Our bodies often adjust to new ways of eating and the pounds will melt only when your physical activities are increased.

- Once you lose weight, it becomes tough to maintain that newly acquired reduced weight. If your diet cuts down severely on calories, restrict several foods or depend on ready made meals, it is effective in the short term. Once your goal of weight loss has been maintained and healthy weight loss achieved, the pounds will quickly come back as these do not ensure healthy and lifelong diet maintenance.

- After overcoming your dietary requirements, you tend to put on weight quickly. Restricting the food intake will slow down the metabolism of your body and this is one of the reasons why fasting diets are counterproductive.

- Those who follow a crash diet get discouraged soon and break it. Just because you had overindulged by giving in to temptation, it hardly means that all your efforts had been in vain. Maintaining a healthy diet is about looking at the larger picture. Overindulging occasionally will not ruin your efforts. Highly restrictive diets are therefore suitable for cheating.

- Remember that to know the weight loss secrets, you need to lose weight faster than you lose the money. The flavored meals, shakes and programs are less practical and do not ensure long term weight loss.

Susan is a full-time freelance writer. She is an avid traveler and reader. She enjoys writing on business, health & fitness, travel, parenting, relationships and personal development.
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What Are Natural and Safe Weight Loss Pills?

If you are in a position to add weight loss pills to your current weight loss program, then it is critical you complete sufficient research before you purchase anything. Natural weight loss pills do not necessarily mean they are safe weight loss pills so take care.

Whilst a bottle of weight loss pills may be labelled "Natural Weight Loss Supplements", it doesn't always mean you can expect them to support your weight loss without the risk of side effects. The fact they are natural does not mean they are all safe.

Most of the ingredients that are considered natural come from mother nature and are usually derived from plants. They may not have any synthetic or chemical components to them, however, what people may not understand is that there are a number of natural herbs used in place of chemicals in prescription drugs, which may cause a range of side effects just like industrial or man-made medicines can.

Now, in raising what could be perceived as an alarm, it is fair to say, many of the natural weight loss pills available on the market today are safer than some of those manufactured in the past. Things have certainly improved.

Green tea for example, is considered to be one of the safest natural ingredients available today. It is not surprising to see it is one of the most popular ingredients in vitamins, appetite control supplements for weight loss. Not only will green tea support your immune system with its accelerated levels of antioxidants, but it will boost your energy as well.

Ongoing research has confirmed that green tea reduces the blood level of cholesterol, lipids, plus also improves the metabolism of glucose making it a substantially beneficial ingredient for those of us wanting to lose weight. Unfortunately normal green tea does contain caffeine and to obtain the maximum benefit as a weight loss ingredient it would be wise to look for the decaffeinated ones.
The point then about Green Tea is that while it is a fantastic natural plant and good for losing weight, not every variety of Green Tea is good for weight loss.

It is well know that significant numbers of the most successful prescription drugs available to us are derived from natural ingredients, yet it is still quite common for people to suffer reactions to them in a variety of ways.

I would think it is a reasonable assumption then, that natural weight loss pills could have the same impact on consumers from time to time. Just like prescription drugs, you may simply have to try a variety of products to find the best one to suit you. Always consult your Doctor if you feel you are experiencing side effects.

It may take you a short while to find one that works better with your body chemistry than others but generally most people do not experience any side effects at all from the naturally based selections.

When you start doing your research you will soon find there are generally two types of weight loss pills. Firstly, there are fat burners, which will focus on increasing metabolism. The second one focuses on reducing your appetite.

You will have no problems choosing a naturally based diet pill from either group. Decatrim for example, is a good fat burner, whilst Caralluma is good for appetite suppression. They are both good natural weight loss pills and have proven to deliver good long-term results.

Unfortunately some of the "Totally Natural" weight loss pills you see on the market are less effective than many of those containing a mixture of natural and chemical ingredients.

Chemicals in weight loss pills do not necessarily mean they are unsafe. It is important not to become totally chemically adverse. Provided you follow the golden rule of "Majority Natural" then you should be fine.

Continue with your research, this time with a focus on the particular chemical content and then come to a satisfactory balance. Personally I think a balance of approximately 70% natural ingredients and 30% chemical compound would be an outcome you could live with. The chemical selection must be researched of course and found to be satisfactory.

Irrespective of your final choice, my last piece of advice would be to make sure you drink large quantities of water with your pills. Your body will absorb the ingredients much faster and they will work more effectively.

Peter Castledine conducts in depth reviews and investigations on a variety of goods and services available for purchase by anyone on the internet. You are invited to contact Peter via his Decatrim Reviews Web Site Contact Form.

If you would like to read Peter's full investigation of Decatrim you can do so via this link. He looks in greater detail at the positives and negatives of the product to enable you to make your own decisions on whether it may be good for you or not.

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Ways To Live Healthy - Weight Loss Success Stories For Women Have A Common Focus

Weight loss success stories for women have a common element for permanent elimination of belly fat and thigh fat. Focusing on ways to live healthy trumps all dieting behavior. When you target making significant and important changes in your lifestyle, it enhances your lifelong eating habits. Let me show you how interconnected four simple ways to live healthy can be for writing your own weight loss success story.

Ways To Live Healthy - Optimal nutrition
When it comes to weight loss for women, dieting does not work. Why? Because it is a short-term fix that usually involves rigidity, or severe restriction of certain foods. You can establish the necessary calorie-deficit needed to lose weight safely and sensibly just by getting rid of foods that are harmful to you, and making food choices from selections produced by Mother Nature.
You can have more energy, and feel more satisfied, just by following a few elementary tips for your lifelong eating plan.
  • Eat with awareness. Know what you are putting in your mouth each time you eat.

  • Get sugar foods (boxed cereals, pastries, desserts, fruit drinks, soda, etc.) out of your current diet. These foods taste good, but sugar foods are the biggest saboteurs of weight loss success stories for women.

  • Reduce the amount of processed foods (those that come boxed, in cans, or wrapped in plastic) you eat. Yes, they taste delicious, but that is because the fat has been altered, sugar added...and chemicals pumped into them. Work hard to get them out of your diet.

  • Go easy on grains. They are touted as health foods, but in reality they are bloated with carbs and calories. Whole grain pasta, bagels, bread, and pizza taste wonderful, but they are also very easily stored on your waist and hips.

  • Raw fruits, vegetables, unprocessed nuts, and solid (wild fish, turkey, grilled chicken, venison, buffalo) protein sources are the building blocks of a lifetime eating plan. Each meal or snack should contain a serving of each.

  • Solid protein sources are far more beneficial than protein drinks. Shakes do not satiate you, and you'll end up eating more food. Solid protein sources make you feel full...and they take more calories to digest!

  • Several small meals are much better for your blood sugar levels that three large ones. Maintain blood sugar levels and you maintain insulin release.

  • Drink more water. (Not tea, coffee, or diet pop.) An ounce of water per every two lbs. of body weight is good to shoot for when you start. Even slight dehydration can bring on feelings of being "empty"...fooling you into thinking you need to ingest more calories.
Ways To Live Healthy - Move more
Regular and consistent exercise is all part of a comprehensive change to a more positive lifestyle. However, there is absolutely no need for extreme routines that leave you mentally drained and physically exhausted. Keep this in mind: There is NO WAY you will ever be able to run-off or exercise-off all of the calories needed to write you own weight loss success story.

Exercise goes hand-in-hand with optimal nutrition when it comes to establishing a calorie-deficit. Quality nutrition reduces the amount of calories, while intelligent exercise builds lean muscle tissue to burn more. This lean muscle also gives women a toned and fit look, as opposed to being slender, but flabby.

There are to types of exercise for you to consider: Strength training with weights and cardio that includes interval training sessions.

Weight training should focus on multi-joint lifts (squats, rows, pull-ups, etc). Isolated exercises simply do not stimulate enough of a metabolic response to increase your lean muscle tissue effectively, plus many of them are now contraindicated. Your workouts should never take more than 45-60 minutes.

Your weekly cardio routines needs to combine steady-state movements with sessions of high-intensity interval training. You will need to gradually work up to these workouts. Keep in mind, walking on the treadmill while reading PEOPLE magazine means you are not working hard enough during your steady-state sessions. 30 minutes of daily cardio will do wonders for you mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Count on being a little sweaty, out of breath, and red in the face when you exercise. It is part of improving.

Weight loss success stories for women are loaded with following a plan of regular and consistent exercise that is well-thought out.

Ways To Live Healthy - Get quality rest
Approximately 40% of all adults are sleep deprived and about 75% exhibit some form of sleep disturbances. The lack of adequate rest has been directly linked with an increase in body fat because it is during sleep that the critical hormonal responses related to human growth hormone take place.
Getting quality rest takes some planning just like it does for your nutritional and movement needs. Simple strategies like going to bed at the same time each night, taking a warm shower before bed, eating some protein (and staying away from carbs) to keep you satiated all night, and not getting worked up with texting, surfing the Internet, or watching TV all play a major role.
Keeping your room dark helps promote the secretion of melatonin, which greatly enhances deep sleep. Keeping your bedroom free of clutter and making your bed each morning promotes a relaxing atmosphere.

These simple tactics for ways to live healthy go a long way in helping you author your own weight loss success story.

Ways To Live Healthy - Get poisons out of your life
Weight loss success stories for women contain many instances of overcoming self-defeating behaviors that include smoking, anger issues, excessive drinking, and even drug usage.

Addictive behavior affects all areas of your life. Thousands of women have been helped by caring and insightful professional counselors and support groups that confront your issues in a gentle, but healing way. Friends are great, but it is difficult for them to be objective. If you truly want to make lasting changes, you need to look outside your social network for professional guidance.

Please know that people seek counseling because Life can be a mess. You are NOT the mess. You are looking for ways to live healthy in situations that trigger powerful emotions.

Weight loss success stories for women are made up with chapters that interconnect and elements that continually influence each other. As you seek more ways to live healthy, you will be writing more volumes of your own story.

Want to learn more about ways to live healthy? Please click the highlighted link. You can also visit my website at to learn more about nutrition, weight training for women, and intelligent cardio.

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How to Lose Fat Quick - Some Tips, Ideas and Suggestions

Of course, we all want to know how to lose fat quick, whether you want to lose that love handle, or you want to lose fat in your thigh, your arms or your chest. There may be many options when it comes to losing fat fast as there are many pills, creams and procedures offered nowadays to get rid of those fats, but there is nothing safer and healthier than going for the natural ways on how to lose fat quick.

Here are some tips and ideas that you might find useful in finding the best way to lose fat fast.

- Build muscle mass. Indeed, one way to burn fat continuously is to build muscle mass. Muscles use up energy continuously and thus help your body burn more fat continuously and in the long run. One good way to build muscles is to do strength training. Make sure though that you have a guide in doing your strength training exercises and you seek guidance from your fitness trainer. Aside from helping you in losing fat, it also helps a lot in building strength of your bones and body.

- Do your cardio. Cardio exercises should not be out of the picture if you want to lose fat. In fact, you have to melt those fats away with cardio exercises first before toning or building those muscles.

Building muscles underneath layers of fat is surely not a good way to do it. You can tart your cardio exercises with regular walking. Thirty minutes everyday can be a good start. You can also do cycling, swimming or enjoy your favorite sports like tennis or badminton.

- Switch to a high fiber diet. Eating healthy is also one good way on how to lose fat quick. More high fiber vegetables and fruits in the diet as well as protein will help you burn more calories and avoid more fat deposits in your body. You can also add more fat-burning foods in your diet like lemon, oranges, grapefruit, lean protein as well as some spicy foods. Cut down on fast food and high-fat, high sodium foods. Switching to high-fiber foods will also help you stop your craving and help you cut down on your cravings for fast food.

- Drink plenty of water. Sometimes your body may mistake thirst by hunger. Drink enough water everyday to help you curb hunger and help your body function well too.

- Do not overeat. Overeating will make you miss your body's signal that you are already full. Do not eat too fast too. One good way to increase your metabolism and burn more fat is to eat moderately or eat smaller but frequent meals. But of course, you have to stick to healthy diet. Choose healthy snacks as well.

Indeed, the best way to losing fat quick safely and healthily is a combination of proper cardio exercise and strength training and switching to a healthy diet. Make sure also that you are not starving yourself and avoid crash dieting. Aside from being risky to your health, it does not also help in helping you lose weight permanently.

Carolyn Anderson is an advocate of healthy living and wants to share some great resources you will find useful in losing fat quick. To help you in your weight loss, check out this resource on how to fight the fat. Also check out Fat Burning Furnace, where you can find little-known ways to lose fat fast and stay in shape.

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