Cardio Does Not Help Busy People Lose Fat

Research proves it.
In fact, in a head-to-head study, at University of Glamorgan, sports scientists found that short intense workouts helped subjects burn more belly fat - while cardio didn't work at all.

I am an elite personal trainer and sports scientist and have something very exciting that you need to know, I have been working in with normal people (like you) for over 15 years, and I must say you may be missing a trick....or even two.

By fixing these two parts of your programme you could start seeing results again. In this article I will share the two effective and important changes I have made to many of my clients programmes over the last 15 years. I use these strategies to help get real results for real people like you.

"We do more of the stuff we like and less of the stuff we don't like as life goes on." Wouldn't you agree? It's our prerogative! Isn't it?
There are two thing lots of you have in common. Firstly, you are avoiding the tough stuff and doing too much of the easy cardio and secondly you are not doing any intense strength training.

What do I mean?...
If you are like some of my clients were when we met, you may not be working at a high enough intensity and are doing too many hours of SLOW boring cardio. STOP. PLEASE.

Combine this slow boring cardio with the fact you probably don't do intensive strength training. This will lead to increasing body fat stores and decreasing muscle stores - the opposite of what you want.

I heard slow cardio is better for being in the fat burning zone?
This is technically correct but very misleading. You will burn more fat while exercising but you will expend less energy overall, compared to high intensity intervals. Overall energy expenditure is key.
Your ultimate aim is obviously improvement. That's not complicated, that's why you train your ass off. So how come you have not seen any real results in years?

There are two common things in my opinion:
  2. No Intense Strength Training

Improving Your Fitness - The easy way!
The measure of how fit you are is called your aerobic capacity or VO2Max. If you have trainer for a long time, your Vo2 Max will now only improve with high intensity training.

Training at intensities above 90% VO2max is one of the most potent routes to fitness improvements.
If you are already doing interval running, cycling or swimming, well done - join the club, what you need to do now is High Intensity Strength Training aka - circuit training.
Good circuit training combines the aerobic interval work (you may be already doing) and the muscle strength endurance work. This is commonly the most overlooked component of the amateur programme. It's meant to be in there but it often left out in favour of slow cardio.

A typical circuit training workout will include exercises that improve your running and strength endurance, foot speed, core stability, lactate acid tolerance, VO2 max, all in one highly efficient workout.

DIY Circuit Training- make up your own circuit and do it at home or integrate some muscle endurance exercises to your next interval session on the bike, road or pool - press ups, squats, vertical jumps and lunges to name just a few.

Remember your system needs to be fuelled well when you are expecting your body to perform. If you do not fuel your system well you will struggle training in the "red zone", just feeling ill if you are lucky, picking up injuries if you are unlucky.

*Please note* this type of training is not for people who want to be in their comfort zone, it hurts, it makes you feel a bit sick (that's the lactic acid... gotta learn to love it!). It is higher risk too. You need to be in good physical condition - mobility, flexibility and core stability to lessen the risk of injury.

It will however boost your overall fitness like crazy (VO2 Max) and ultimately your performance. Once or twice a week for 12 weeks would be enough to notice a difference; two and three times per week will change your body shape.

If you follow these two simple steps and cut out the slow boring cardio and fuel your system for the training. You will take a huge step towards improving your performance and seeing results. Trust me I'm a sports scientist!

Now you know some vital information which will hopefully help your exercise program and increase your chances of achieving your goals. For more information from our team of sports scientists on personal training, boot camps, diet and nutrition, psychology, injuries and treatments, and rest, recovery and conditioning and many more why not visit:
There are many easy to read helpful articles which can inspire you to reach your fitness and exercise goals FASTER!

Thanks for reading.

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Learn One of the Great Secrets to Weight Loss

From the time you were a child, you might have been a people pleaser. You tried to top your schoolwork in order to win your parents' trained at soccer for hours on end to win a vote of support from your coach...or you meticulously practiced your piano chords in order to win the appreciation of your music tutor. In general terms, there is nothing wrong with trying to please. It can make you a valued leader, a respected friend, a reassuring teacher. Nevertheless, it should be acknowledged that some food addictions begin with an failure to say no.

The question is, when might it have all began? Maybe it was during a celebration dinner in your childhood when your parents asked if you wanted a second helpings. Or maybe a teacher at your elementary school might have given you a gold star if you cleared your plate of food. You were almost certainly taught that it is wrong to throw away food and that a healthy appetite was a good thing to have. The problem is, such cues from your upbringing might have caused you to learn the wrong lessons when it came to food consumption.

In our culture, many people have trouble saying no. Everyone wants to be part of their peer group and they don't want to stand out for not taking part. They will do all they can to mix in and that leads them to say "yes" more times than they'd like to, or ought to. In fact, the plague of alcohol and drug abuse may be due in part to the refusal of many people to simply say no.

To admit that you have a problem over committing yourself is probably the first step to dealing with the problem. It shows that you have a great deal of understanding into your own troubles with food and you want to change your bad lifestyle and swap them with better ones. But this can be difficult, knowing the fact that so many families have a number of rituals concerning food. Also, unlike cigarettes or marijuana, food is not thought of as intrinsically bad; nor should it be. Nevertheless, you need to learn how to use food effectively.

Part of your education begins with understanding the power of no or no thank you. You need to begin to assert yourself, to acknowledge the fact that you do not have to go along with other people in order to get along with them. You grasp that you are doing yourself no favors by eating second helpings of pasta, when in fact, you could be doing your body a great deal of damage. The key now is to finally do something about it.

What's the best way to undertake assertiveness instruction? One method you can use is that of role-playing. Practice saying "no" to additional servings with the help of a friend playing the role of antagonist. In this "make believe" state, you may feel more at ease saying no. You must also learn that saying no isn't actually going to be the end of life as you know it; that you will not suddenly lose all of your friends by taking a "negative" standpoint.

Another ploy you might use is making sure that you do not slump while sitting at the table for your meals. Slouching indicates defeat-a conviction that a situation is impossible. With your head held high you will acquire the self-confidence you need to say no; and to mean it.

Yet another successful approach is to keep a diary recording your thoughts after you've said no; either to more food or to a promise you just can't cope with at this time. Putting your thoughts in words can be quite therapeutic. It can also help you with problem-solving, enabling you to figure out ways that you can say no without hurting another person's feelings.

Something else you will need to learn is that it is not necessary for you to realize another person's expectations. In other words, whether your Aunt Mary thinks you're eating enough actually doesn't matter. If you realize that you are overweight, Aunt Mary's view shouldn't be taken into account. You must do what you think is the best technique in order to take control of your eating habits.

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Discover Secrets to Healthy Weight Loss Recipes

If your intention is to get healthy weight loss recipes that offer help with steps on how to lose weight through eating healthy regular foods then this is the point where you need to pay undivided attention to some findings that I'm willing to share with you in this article. Do yourself a favor, read this article to the end for a complete information package.

It is amazing to know that a lot of people all around the world are doing different things both proven and non-proven to burn fat and get rid of excess weight. Some of the most popular ways to lose weight that a lot of people often opt for are surgery; this method is very expensive and dicey and therefore requires a specialist in that field to perform. Its results are sometimes unstable and can cause more damage than solving the problem. A weight loss recipe program helps you stay abreast of the information that has to do with losing weight through healthy food consumption. When you get the right information on the right kind of food to eat, you will have fewer problems to deal with when it comes to weight loss. What you probably lack or don't know is the advantages that natural foods can do for your body rather than factory processed food.

The best weight loss recipes are natural foods gotten straight from the farm without additives. Good recipes do not contain preservatives as some of these preservative can be unhealthy to the body and can cause unnecessary health problems. A lot of people find it difficult to keep to this recipe because they feel that weight loss recipes are tasteless and therefore would not be healthy. But that is not true; there are lots of healthy tasty recipes that you would find interesting and you won't need to worry about the taste or efficiency.

If you have decided to stick to weight loss recipes, then you are saying that you have given up visiting the fast food restaurants as most of these fast foods are responsible for the highest number of overweight people you see today. The foods served from these restaurants are unhealthy and their target audiences are those that are highly mobile. Highly mobile people stand a better chance of burning the calories that they consume but for some of us who don't move around a lot and who spend most of our time indoors and hardly have the time to do any exercise; this will be regarded as a bad idea. So if you fall in the second group and you feel I am talking to you, the best thing to do now is to stay away from the fast foods.

Instead of visiting the fast food restaurants on a daily basis learn to cook your meals by yourself. A good weight loss recipe program will provide you with a comprehensive guide on the kind of ingredients to use for your meals and also teach you how to do the cooking in an easy step by step procedure.

When you indulge yourself with healthy recipes today and you will start seeing significant effect on how beautiful your skin looks. It will also decrease the level at which your body is open to disease.

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Diet Tips

1. Go organic: Although fruits and vegetables are food items that you want to include in your diet, you should still be more cautious in purchasing them. This is because some farmers may have used lots of chemicals like fertilizers and insecticides in growing them. To avoid having to experience negative side effects from it, always purchase those that were grown organically.

2. Avoid simple carbohydrates: Foods that have simple carbohydrates are high in glycemic content. Thus, it is best to go with food items that have complex carbohydrates. By doing that, you are ensuring that your body is able to maintain healthier blood cholesterol levels. Aside from that, foods that are good sources of complex carbohydrates are also harder to process, which can result to more calories and fats burned.

3. Eat at your dining table: When you eat elsewhere around your house, there may be a tendency that you could eat more than you should. This is because playing on your computer, or watching the television may distract your brain from accepting the signal from your stomach that it is already full. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you should eat at your dining table.

4. Eat before visiting the grocery store: When you shop for grocery items, it is best that you eat beforehand. This is because going inside a grocery store, when you are feeling hungry can make you purchase more food items than you need. In fact, it can even make you purchase foods that are not healthy. Thus, it is best to grab a snack before you go to the store. This way, you can stick to your list of items you want to buy.

5. Minimize eating at restaurants: When you are on a diet, eating at a restaurant can actually get you off track. This is because most foods that are served in restaurants are cooked with lots of oil. Aside from that, some can also serve foods that are highly processed. Thus, it is best that you set a limit in eating out. Instead of doing it two or three times a week, bring it down to one, or once in every two weeks.

6. Be aware of the things that can trigger you to eat: There are certain factors, which can make you eat more foods than you need. Some of which would include bad relationships, stress, work conflict, and many more. Thus, it is best that you become more aware of them. By doing that, you would be able to control your hunger pangs by preventing such things to affect you.

7. Proper records keeping: In following a diet, in most cases, you are doing it to lose weight. When it comes to that, it is best if you keep a record on how much weight you are able to shed off as the weeks go by. By doing that, you would see if there are certain adjustments you need to make. Aside from that, it can also ensure that you are motivated in keeping up with it.

Now You Can Lose 10% From Your Weight Simply, Safety And For Free Just Go To Our Website And Grab Your Free Copy Of My Great Book
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How to Cheat on Your Diet and Still Lose Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise is an important need for all of us. Over 50 percent of our population is overweight. Let's face it, our society is not built around health, but around convenience. Controlling what we eat is the sensible way to lose weight. In saying this, it is also sensible to accept that without allowing certain indulgences one is bound to cheat. It is important to include some of your favorite foods into your diet to prevent discouragement. Staying excited about your diet is important to success and motivates you to lose weight. Allow some cheating to your diet as a reward for achievement without blowing you goal of losing weight, by following a few simple techniques.

Lose Weight by Assigning a "Cheat Day"
Pick one day, possibly at the end of the work week to reward yourself for following your diet diligently all week. Select one thing that is not allowed on your diet, but something you really crave or miss. For some, it might be pizza, for others it could be ice cream or a favorite chocolate bar. Your desired reward can change every week or be the same every time. What's important is that it be something you really, really want.

When you know that you can have your favorite food later in the week, it helps you to stay committed to your diet which helps you lose weight. You know that you're not completely deprived; you just have to wait a few days. This is much more pleasant and much more effective than denying yourself until you reach your goal weight.

During the week, don't let cravings or surprise opportunities tempt you into taking your reward day early. If your cheat day is Friday, don't "borrow" it on Wednesday so that you can have one of the donuts a coworker brought to the office. If donuts aren't your reward food, you'll feel cheated later. Also, it'll be nine days before your next reward day instead of seven and that can set you up for failure.Decide on a day and stick to it.

Watch the Portions
Although this is your "cheat day" you are still on a diet so it is smart to moderate your intake, otherwise you will cancel out all that healthy eating you've been doing. The object of your reward is to have one portion of your favorite treat. For example, if pizza is what you're craving, you're allowed to have one slice with any and all of your favorite toppings. You're allowed to have one great scoop or cone of ice cream, not a pint. By adding in a taste of what you crave, you can stay focused on dieting lose weight faster.

The easiest way to do this is to go out for your treat, not bring it home. Go to your favorite pizza place and order a slice or share a pie with some friends. Walk to the ice cream store for your scoop instead of bringing a half-gallon home from the supermarket which can help you lose weight and help avoid the guilty feeling. Don't set yourself up for failure by having extra servings of your treat lying in wait for you at home.

Make It Really Good
If you're craving chocolate, buy your very favorite chocolate, not just what's handy at the gas station. Really treat yourself to something special. Go to the ice cream store and get the gourmet stuff and not settling for soft-serve from a fast food joint. Get the best pizza slice, the tastiest French fries from your favorite diner, etc.

Savor It
One of the worst things you can do is fail to really savor your reward food. Avoid eating unconsciously. Enjoy that piece of cheesecake fully; reminding yourself with each bite that you earned this reward and it is perfectly allowable. This not only reinforces your desire to lose weight but it makes a connection in your mind between the guilt-free pleasure of your reward and the discouragement of cheating on your diet impulsively.

One of the biggest causes of failure when dieting is impulsive cheating. When you "fall off the wagon", you get discouraged or depressed and may feel like you should just toss the diet for the rest of the week and start over again next week. Unfortunately, unless you have a plan to prevent the same problem from happening again next week, it probably will.

By planning to cheat and making it really count, you set yourself up for success instead of failure. You'll also be much happier while you're dieting instead of resigning yourself to suffer until you reach your weight loss goal.

For more articles, check out my article blog at http://TheKnowItAll.Co A collection of articles on all sorts of topics! Hope you enjoyed the article.

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Medifast Recipes For Weight Loss Success

Weight Loss is one of the hottest topics of the day. Whether you just want to lose those extra 5 pounds or need to lose much more, the big question is how.

Of course losing weight starts with a sensible diet, and boy are there many to choose from. And while most solid and healthy weight loss plans help you lose that unwanted fat and even provide the tools to do so, most of us don't.

For instance, the biggest problem I see is planning. When dieters take the time to plan and organize there meals and snacks they have a much better weight loss success rate than those who don't plan. This may be the reason that diets such as Medifast that provide prepared, portion controlled meals and snacks, are so successful.

Another reason dieters fail is boredom. So if you are following a weigh loss program, make sure you keep things fresh with new foods and recipes so you don't get bored, this will make it much easier to follow through with your weight loss plan so you can reach your goal.

Just because you are following a diet that includes prepared or packaged foods does not mean you can't use them to make new and different meals or snacks. So for anyone following the Medifast weight loss program, her is a favorite Medifast Recipe to help keep on track as you lose weight. Remember, "Variety" really is the spice of life.

Medifast Chocolate Muffins

  • 1 MF Scrambled Eggs

  • 1 MF Chocolate pudding

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

  • 1 Splenda

  • ¼ cup sugar free chocolate syrup

  • ¼ cup water

  • ½ teaspoon chocolate extract (optional)
  • Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add the wet ingredients. Mix well. Spoon into 4 muffin sections sprayed with Pam. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees. Turn off oven and let them sit for 5 minutes. Delicious warm! (2 muffins=1 MF meal)

    For more weight loss tips and delicious Medifast Recipes please visit Medifast Recipes.
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