Eating Healthy Fats and Losing Weight

Can you lose weight and still eat foods that contain fat? Sure you can, if they are foods and ingredients that contain the "good" fat. Do they taste as good as the "bad" fats? In many cases, even better! And this is coming from a die-hard southern food addict.

First, let's group them. There are basically two good groups and two bad groups. The two bad groups are saturated fats and trans fats. The two good groups are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Within each of these four groups, there is a large selection of foods and ingredients. Can you take some guesses as to what might fall into each category? Not much of a stretch here, really.

Momma's biscuits were the best tasting because she made them with good old lard. And one of them had more fat and calories than most folks can burn off in a day. Lard has saturated fat. So does ice cream, butter and red meat. Potato chips and fried chicken are loaded with trans fats. On the good side, olive oil, canola oil, most nuts and peanut butter contain monounsaturated fats while corn oil, trout, walnuts and tuna are examples of polyunsaturated fats.

Now, I will be the first to argue that there is a right way and a wrong way to make homemade biscuits, which is why I can't have any if I intend to lose any weight. Shame! However, cooking with olive oil, eating more nuts, eating more fish (not fried) and eating less red meat I can handle. And, if you take a look at all the good choices you have and start making incremental changes, the transition is barely noticeable and in many cases preferable. I now would much rather cook with olive oil than any other oil because, to me, everything tastes better.

But, how does healthy fats and weight loss actually work. Truthfully, only as well as you manage the calories that they contain. Remember, it's all about the calories consumed versus the calories expended. Foods containing any of these "good" fats usually contain more calories than fruits and vegetables. Therefore, don't expect to sit back with a sack full of cashews as a dietary supplement.
The good news is that switching out most of the things in the bad groups for things in the good groups is not very radical if you cook quite a bit at home. Good recipes are endless. The problem comes when you either don't cook or you are on the road much of the time and your dining choices are limited. Unless you are in a large metropolitan area, healthy eating establishments are far and few between. However, even most chains now offer something that should fit within your dietary parameters.

Eliminating fat from your diet is not really part of a healthy weight loss plan, in my opinion. Healthy fats and weight loss actually go together. Cutting out the bad fats and replacing them with good fats should be the goal. If you cook, start looking at what I call "clean" recipes that use good oils and ingredients and have a calorie count included. Above all else, remember that change takes time. So, don't get frustrated. Be happy!

Boyce Henry has been researching and managing weight loss for many years and has a straightforward, commonsense approach to achieving healthy weight loss and enjoying the process.
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Fitness Mistakes and Weight Loss Secrets

Mistake #1: Avoid these fitness mistakes
A common mistake made quite often is not including a weight routine and doing only cardio! The key to increasing your metabolism is developing lean muscle mass. As we age, muscle mass drops by 6% decreasing metabolism, lean mass and overall strength. This is especially true after the 40 years of age. Keeping your heart rate up and working out none stop, while you work your entire body, will increase fat burning.

Mistake #2: Doing a hundred or more sit ups a day to lose belly fat.
It's a fact you can not spot train any part of your body, including the abs and doing thousands of sit ups will not trim your waistline. The focus has to be on reducing your overall body fat percentage. We all have six-pack abs, but they are hidden underneath fat. Since men naturally have a lower body fat than women, It's harder to do for women. It is important, however, to develop a strong core for lower back support and to prevent injury, but crunches are not the only way to do that. Try total body moves like planks and weighted wood chops for maximum results, and eat less calories than you burn to get the best results.

Secrets to Fitness Success #1 - Set Your Goals
This may sound a little cliché, but it is very true. In order to achieve something that you set out to do, you must... 1. Clearly visualize what this "something" is 2. Know how you are going to go about measuring "it". 3. Have a plan laying out your ways in which to get "it" 4. Know when it is that you finally are going to achieve "it."

Always have a short-term goal and a longer-term goal, (Lack thereof is a major fitness mistake)and always writing your goals down with a clear map. The more motivated you are to reach your goal, the higher your chance of achieving it. What really drives you to lose 20 lbs? What is your reason for gaining 5 lbs of muscle or losing 20 lbs of fat? If your reason for the goal is not motivating enough for you to see the positive reward at the end of the tunnel, you might find yourself on the path to non-achievement. Be true to yourself be aware of these fitness mistakes, and be realistic about what you want to achieve, draw out a plan for how you are going to go about it, and keep your plan visible so that you are constantly reminded of it. Sometimes, I even tell my closest friends and family about my path to my goals so that they can encourage me along the way. Better yet, invite a friend to join you. Develop a routine!

Secret to Fitness Success and Weight loss #2
It would be safe to say that diet is almost 70% of the weight loss battle, where as exercise is 30%. You'll be amazed at just how many calories you are eating in a day, or how few you are consuming. One of the biggest problems that people have is that they don't eat enough, or frequently enough. Most people don't eat enough of the food that is going to get them lean or they are uneducated about the nutritional value of most foods. A good rule of thumb is to keep a balanced diet of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. A good split in a 2000 calorie diet would include a breakdown of 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. If you want to lose 1 lbs a week, you must eat 500 calories less than you burn for 7 days and a total of a 3500 calorie deficit equals 1 lb lost. NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST!! and if you are going to eat carbs, try to eat them at this time of day, and around the time of your workout. Try to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day, each meal consisting of 200-300 calories. Increase the consumption of high density, low calorie foods, such as vegetables. It's good to have some lean protein and veggies for dinner. Limit the amount of sugars you eat, reduce consumption of alcohol. Increase the amount of water that you drink.

Note: You don't need to starve yourself in order to lose weight.
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