How Do You Lose Fat Around Your Sides?

Fat located to the sides of your abdomen is referred to in the bodybuilding industry as "stubborn fat" for a reason. Each gender has its own stubborn fat area - for men, this happens to be the sides of the abdomen. For women, it's usually the buttocks and the thighs.

The reason stubborn fat exists is because certain areas in our bodies contain more so-called receptors that block fat breakdown, while simultaneously containing less receptors involved in fat breakdown.
One thing I want to stress at this point is that it is not possible to reduce fat in an area of your choice - you can only lose fat overall, but it is the body and our internal processes that decide which fat and in what order will go first. There is not much you can do about that. However, if you stick to your diet for long enough, your body will have no choice but to tap into the last remaining pounds of fat left - which will likely be the fat in the stubborn areas.

The above means is that if you have relatively lots of fat on your body, you won't be able to lose fat around your sides exclusively. You will first need to drop your body fat levels in general (through dieting), until you reach a point where there is not much fat left on you, except for the fat in the stubborn areas.

Once you reach that point, things could go one of two ways: you either lose the stubborn fat after a few extra weeks of dieting, or it just won't budge. This is an individual issue and everyone is different, but I can tell you that it is not uncommon for experienced bodybuilders to be extremely lean, and yet still have a little bit of extra fat around the sides.

If this does happen to you, there are a few things you should do. First of all, it becomes vitally important to increase blood flow to the fat tissues in the stubborn areas, in order to increase the activity of fat loss receptors in there. The best way to achieve this is through aerobic exercise. In other words, once you reach the point where you have to worry about fat around your sides, exercising will become more important than before if you want to get rid of that remaining fat.
At this point, it will also make sense to take a fat-loss supplement.While I do not advise taking any of those for someone who has a lot of fat to lose, if you are in a heads-up match against stubborn fat, this is the best time (and perhaps the only time) to take advantage of such supplements. The ones I would particularly recommend for this specific purpose are Yohimbine HCL, Caffeine, and Green Tea Extract - all three are very cheap and produce no serious side effects in a healthy individual.
The important thing in all of this though is to remember that you cannot, and should not try to, lose that extra fat around your sides, if your overall body-fat percentage isn't already low (think below 12% BF for males). This is just not going to work. Once you are below 12%, and if you still can't get rid of that extra fat after a few more weeks of dieting, that is the best time to try out the suggestions I've given you earlier.

About the author: Mark Nazzal specializes in 1 on 1 online weight loss and fitness coaching. You can contact him for help with your specific dieting or exercising issue through his website, where a large number of helpful articles are also available on the subject: 1 on 1 weight loss coaching
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Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes

Smoothies can be a quick and simple part of your meals for your weight loss program. Preparing special meals to include the foods that are allowed on your weight loss plan can often be a drag and seem like too much trouble. When meals are not easy to fix, it could be a tempting time to grab the wrong foods.

Here are a few weight loss smoothie recipes to give you variety, and have the added benefit of being extremely fast to prepare your smoothie meal.

Banana Smoothie:
8 ounces of non-fat milk or soy milk
2 Tablespoons Herbalife Vanilla Formula 1 Soy Protein Smoothie Mix
½ of a banana
4 to 6 ice cubes (optional)
Blend in a blender

Mocha Smoothie:
8 ounces non-fat milk or soy milk
2 Tablespoons Herbalife Vanilla Formula 1 Soy Protein Smoothie Mix
½ teaspoon Decaffeinated Instant Coffee
4 - 6 ice cubes (optional)
Stir or blend in blender

Black Forest Smoothie
8 ounces non-fat milk or soy milk
2 Tablespoons Herbalife Chocolate Formula 1 Soy Protein Smoothie Mix
½ Teaspoon Black Walnut Extract
½ Banana (optional)
4-6 ice cubes (optional)
Stir or blend in blender
If you have a blender, drink mixer, or small hand held mini mixer, it will save you time in your shake preparation. If not you can simply chop the fruit ingredients to very fine pieces to include in your smoothies.

You can enjoy these smoothies as they are fast and convenient for a meal on the run as well as healthy for you. These smoothies make it easier to stay on your weight loss program because they are a fast way to stay on a healthy eating plan.

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3 Powerful Weight Loss Exercises Anyone Can Do

Do you love exercise? If you are overweight then the answer is probably no. Whether you like it or not, the simple fact is that exercise is the number one way to start losing weight. Even if your diet is less than perfect, a regular exercise routine can help you burn more calories, improve your cardiovascular health and make you feel much more vibrant and healthy. Starting an exercise routine is also a great way to start a new and more healthy lifestyle as its often the catalyst for you to start eating healthier as well. If you have to stop eating those foods you love then losing weight can be a challenge. If you simply have to start exercising it can be much easier.

So, if you've been inactive for a while and don't know if or how to start exercising for weight loss then there is still hope for you. Exercise does not have to be painful, boring or a chore. It can be something that you enjoy and want to do. As you start seeing results it will inspire you and before you know it you will reach all your weight loss goals - without eating rabbit food.

So, how do you start? Here are 3 powerful weight loss exercises that anyone can start doing.

1. Fitness classes
The great thing about a fitness class is that you can slot into a class with people who are on your fitness level. Doing it with other people is a lot more fun and being led by a trainer professional means that you won;t over exert yourself or do exercise that is wrong for you.

2. Sport
Have you ever though about taking up a sport? Sport is not only fun but it can help you get exercise without even realizing it. Obviously you need to pick a sport that is good for cardiovascular exercise and something like tennis can be great. It can also be a lot of fun and you can make a lot of new friends and exercise with people who want to achieve the same goals as you.

3. Walking
Walking is one of the most under estimated for of exercise out there. So many people try running when they are out of shape but the problem is that the impact on their knees and ankles will often leave them in pain. Walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes 5 days a week will produce results. Obviously you want to start slow and work your way up but the fact remains that walking will raise your heart rate and help you burn calories.

Get some great rapid weight loss tips and learn how to burn fat quickly...
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Use These Great Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss may feel like an insurmountable challenge, particularly if you have a substantial amount to lose. However, it is not as difficult as you may think. Try these tips in order to manifest your dream of losing weight.

When dining at a restaurant, pay close attention to your soup options. Clear, broth-based soups are ideal, but avoid rich stews or cream-based recipes in favor of a salad. Eating either should count down on the amount of food you eat when you get your entree.

Consuming coffee can help you lose weight. Coffee is essential if you want to maintain your vigor while you are dieting.

Losing weight requires you to balance your calorie consumption with the amount of calories you burn. You need the perspective that you are always progressing, so you keep going. Understand that everything you do throughout the day plays a role in your weight loss goals. The main thing to avoid is sitting on the couch for several hours a day.

Do not eat right before bedtime. Do not eat within two hours of your normal bedtime. If you feel hungry, eat vegetables or fruit as a snack before bed. Although you cannot always avoid eating before bed, do what you can to make it a habit. Your body stores the fat and calories when it's inactive.
Although smoking is bad for your health, it may be a good idea to keep puffing on those cancer sticks. At least, wait for awhile. Smoking is a difficult, dangerous habit; and if you quit right away you are going to be tempted to replace your cigarettes with food. This is not good, and can cause weight gain.

It is important to bring healthy snacks with you to work. This is critical if your work hours are long; you want to avoid crashing when you arrive home. This may cause you to reach for unhealthy junk.
Allowing yourself to buy clothes in smaller sizes as your weight decreases can also be a great motivator to continue eating right and exercising. Baggy clothing takes your mind off the extra weight. By not wearing loose clothing you'll be more mindful of your weight.

When trying to lose weight, you may not want to work out. These tips apply to people who do not like just going to the gym simply to work out. Instead, trick yourself by doing enjoyable activities like throwing a football, walking the dog or even going on nature walks. By doing something fun, you will look forward to your workout instead of dreading it.

Don't surround yourself with foods that aren't good for you. This includes locations such as bakeries, candy stores and fast food restaurants. But, if you stick to farmer's markets and healthy cafes, you will be subjected to far fewer dangers.

To stay healthy, spread your eating habits out through the day. Eating 5 or 6 small meals is far better than having 3 large meals. This helps the body maintain a higher metabolism for the whole day.
Try eating filling, but low calorie, foods. Enjoy a small plate of fresh veggies, like carrot and celery sticks, in advance of a meal to knock back your hunger pangs so that you don't devour higher calorie foods and desserts. You can get the same result by drinking a glass of water or a cup of coffee before meals.

If you love eating pizza, there is a great way to minimize the calories you eat. Blot pizza slices with paper napkins to limit your grease intake.

Try to have an upbeat attitude when it comes to losing weight. When you look at your diet and exercise programs as permanent lifestyle changes, it will be easier for you to continue to stay motivated. It'll make it much easier for you to maintain motivation on frustrating days.

A prefect way of shedding the pounds is by going hiking. You will get some nature time and you will burn a good amount of calories. The more challenging you make the hike, the higher the calorie burn.
Yogurt is your friend. Select low-fat and plain varieties of yogurt. Try plain yogurt in a salad of cucumber and a bit pepper. Fresh fruit added to plain yogurt is a better choice than flavored yogurts which may contain sugar. Yogurt not only tastes great but is high in calcium.

One good way to lose weight is to simply stay so busy that you don't have time to eat! When we sit around, we think about things like food and that creates a craving that we could cave into. If you keep yourself busy, this shouldn't happen.

Even when dieting, you need to eat a sufficient amount of food. When you are dieting it is easy to fall into the trap of eating low calorie foods with little nutrition. You may lose weight, but you will not build better health in the long run.

Avocados are a good diet food because they are very rich and good for you. While they do have a lot of fat in them, it is the type of fat that is good for you. The rich and silky texture of the vegetable can make it quite satisfying for people avoiding other fats. A taco with avocado is just as tasty as one that has meat and it is much healthier.

The tips you just read can help you start losing weight. If you don't get immediate results, you shouldn't give up. It's absolutely crucial that you stick with your plan from start to finish. If you stick with your plan, you will lose weight.

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How to Burn Fat Naturally - While You Sleep?

The good news is that your body is already adapted for how to burn fat naturally. It does so constantly, throughout each 24-hour period. You may be surprised to know that your peak fat burning mode generally occurs while you sleep. Of course, the rate at which you use the energy of fat also depends on when, what, and how much you eat and on the frequency, intensity, and duration of your physical activity.

So why is sleep so important for you to burn fat naturally? Actually, sleep itself isn't the main point. The importance of the time between when you finish dinner and when you have breakfast is the key, which just happens to include a typical night's sleep.

Mobilizing Belly Fat
Excess fat is stored fuel that your body has put away for energy when needed. However, right after you finish dinner, you are still burning off the food calories that you just ate. If you can avoid eating an evening snack, the calories from your meal will be mostly gone within a few hours, at which time you will start to use up stored carbohydrate, in the form of glycogen, from your liver and muscle tissues. You will also use up fat that is circulating in the blood.

By about 9 hours after dinner, the readily available calories from your previous meal, from stored carbohydrate, and from circulating fat are most likely used up. This is now prime time for your body to mobilize fat from storage and start using it for your metabolism. This fat mobilization period is when  your body is supposed to burn fat naturally while you sleep.

Heating Up Your Fat Burning Furnace
You really don't have to do anything at this point except to have breakfast about twelve hours after you had dinner. Ideally, at breakfast your furnace has already been at its fat burning hottest for about three hours, the period from 9-12 hours after your dinner. That's really all there is to it for optimizing your metabolism to burn fat naturally while you sleep.

The explanation here of how you burn fat naturally while you sleep leaves out the importance of getting good sleep and otherwise releasing stress at night. These are additional factors that will influence your metabolism. Nevertheless, depending on your health and how well you eat in general, whatever you do to make sure you have about a 12-hour period between dinner and breakfast will give you your best chance to burn fat naturally every night.

Destructiveness of Bedtime Snacks
After-dinner snacking, a little bit of ice cream before bed, a midnight snack ... all of these will interrupt your prime fat-burning time. This is a fact of your normal biochemistry. If you have trouble making it from dinner to breakfast without eating, you either have an underlying health problem or bad habits that you have to overcome, or both. If you want to burn fat naturally, the way your body is meant to do, you must allow it to dip into stored fat for at least a couple of hours every night. This is your simplest, easiest, and best hope for harnessing the power of your own metabolism.

Can Everyone Burn Fat Naturally While They Sleep?
Unfortunately, the answer is that not everyone can benefit from nighttime fat burning as much as they should. Your body has its limits, especially if you have diabetes, hormone imbalance, thyroid deficiency, a poor lifestyle, or are taking a number of prescription drugs. The good news is that most of the things that slow down your fat metabolism are based on poor choices that you can undo. You are supposed to burn fat naturally while you sleep, so doing whatever you can to be healthy will keep you on track to do so.

Dr. Dennis Clark, PhD, retired after 30 years as a professor at Arizona State University. He is currently an adjunct faculty member at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and owns a retail nutrition store, Doctors Nutrition Center, in Tempe, AZ. His professional research and teaching expertise includes plant biochemistry, integrative medicine, and medical botany. Dr. Clark has
co-authored a college-level textbook on plant biology, written popular books on herbal medicine, and published more than three dozen research articles in scientific journals. He invites you to learn more about how to burn fat naturally at and about the views of a research scientist on how to live a long and healthy life, at
Article Source:,_Ph.D.

Acupuncture Weight Loss Secrets Revealed!

Acupuncture weight loss is a new field in a way. Although acupuncture itself is ancient, it does not have a long history of being used for weight control purposes. Only modern living has brought obesity to a level that has seen both medical practitioners and patients searching for a cure for weight loss. Hence, the birth of acupuncture weight loss research.

Acupuncture weight loss techniques have been researched since 1998 in China, where the influx of Western foods has seen the population ballooning.

Acupuncture weight loss techniques boots the endocrine and digestive systems of the patient, resulting in better digestion and making the patient feel fuller faster. With the combination of needles and herbal therapies, the patient's goal of losing weight is almost assured.

Some acupuncture weight loss meridian points are the stomach, spleen and kidney. The mouth, lung and thyroid are other points used for treatment. All treatments are customized for the patients as they have different needs and their bodies are also different.

There is a treatment available in the West based on theories of ear acupuncture weight loss. It is often marketed as 'Weight Control Ear Staples.' These are not advised since this treatment not only disregards 90% of the full treatment, but may also cause infections and damage the ear cartilage.

Acupuncture weight loss is a slow, somewhat holistic treatment and cannot be emulated simply by clipping things to one's ears. Hence, it would be prudent to disregard this ear acupuncture weight loss technique.

Many patients undergoing an acupuncture weight loss program only report great results in about a year. Note that an acupuncture weight loss program does not require a focus on diet and exercise. The key is to make the patient feel full faster, and thus eating less. Willpower or spending hours at the gym is not necessary. On the other hand, Western practitioners will require the patient to follow a diet and exercise program. This takes a lot of effort for the patient to follow.

While on the acupuncture weight loss treatment, patients should ideally make time for two or more treatments per week. These treatments involve the placing of needles, as well as application of gentle electrical currents. Afterwards, the patient is advised to take herbal mixtures to aid the removal of toxins and strengthen the flow of qi. The first part of the program involves slow and gentle weight loss. Ear acupuncture weight loss practices may be used at this time in the form of herbal seeds attached to the ear.

The latter part of the acupuncture weight loss process involves stabilizing the client and slowly bringing back into the diet things that may have been eliminated during the treatment. The idea is to maintain the new weight while allowing the client to enjoy a normal diet.

In conclusion, if you have difficulty in losing weight, then an acupuncture weight loss program may just be the safe and natural solution for you!

Go here to find out more about Acupuncture and Its Healing Ways []. and everything acupuncture at 321 Acupuncture [].

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Six Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

#1: Ditch the Bad Carbs and Sugar. Refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, wheat products, breads, pasta, processed and pre-packaged foods... are usually full of molecular structures that are detrimental to maintaining healthy insulin, glucose and leptin levels. These nutritionally 'empty' calories fuel inflammation and pain in the body, promote scarring of the liver, increase accumulation of visceral fat, and create imbalances in the metabolic hormones, insulin and leptin. Insulin and leptin resistance is sharply on the rise and promotes weight gain and obesity, as well as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hormonal imbalances. Bad carbs and sugars are very addictive! Because these substances cause changes in brain chemistry and the body's ability to feel full or a sense of 'satiety', people often have very real withdrawal symptoms of anxiety, irritability, fatigue, depression, etc. when trying to eliminate them from the diet. These symptoms are generally short-lived and can be remedied by eating more fat and protein along with low carb vegetables for a few weeks. Avoiding carbs and sugars for a few weeks also 're-sets' the pancreas and can begin to normalize insulin and leptin sensitivity. Eating 'whole wheat' products should also be avoided as the genetic structure of modern wheat species has been modified to a 'hexaploid' species so that it is very difficult to digest and utilize. Switching to ancient or 'diploid' wheat species such as 'Einkorn' will often reduce symptoms that mimic gluten sensitivity. Ancient wheat species are much easier to digest and don't generally cause weight gain, bloating, allergies, brain fog, celiac, etc.

#2: Support Healthy Sleep Patterns. The body needs at least 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night to maintain healthy adrenal function. Prolonged adrenal stress causes chronic magnesium deficiency, which leads to poor sleep, which leads to more adrenal stress, which leads to hormonal imbalances, more weight gain, increased cravings for sugar and carbs, which leads to more weight gain, which leads to poor sleep which leads to... I think you get the picture! Healthy sleep habits are a cornerstone of overall health. If you have bad sleep habits you can change them. It may take a few months but it is critical to your physical and emotional health to make it a priority. Introduce healthy sleep choices every day and they will become healthy sleep habits that come naturally.

~ Go to bed at the same time every night

~ Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet

~ Avoid anything that will over-activate your mind and block serotonin production before bed (TV, computer, phone, iPad, stressful situations, work projects, etc.)

~ Avoid high fat or high carb meals after 7pm. A small amount of protein and carbs before bed can help promote sleep. Fermented dairy products like Kefir are a good choice. Tart cherry juice can also be helpful as it is a natural source of melatonin.

~ If pets are disruptive during the night, they need to sleep outside your bedroom.

~ Use aromatherapy essential oils before bed: lavender, sandalwood, mandarin, chamomile, and neroli are all good scents for inducing relaxation and sleep. Place a small amount on the back of the neck and just under the navel for best results.

~ Take a warm bath before bed. You may add epsom salts or essential oils to relax muscles and calm the mind.

#3: Eat Fat. One of the greatest hoaxes of our modern society is the perpetuation of the idea that low fat diets are healthy and help you lose weight. Low fat diets are not healthy. Period. Fat, including saturated fat, is absolutely essential for healthy brain function, cellular structure and strength, appetite satiety, hormone balance, and cardiovascular and overall metabolic health. Fat does not cause heart disease... sugar, chemicals high carb and processed foods do. It is the sugar and high carb intake that causes inflammation, pain, high cholesterol, insulin and leptin resistance, obesity, and a vast list of other 'chronic' illnesses that are so prevalent in our society today. Healthy fats include:

~ Extra Virgin Coconut Oil: medium chain lipid that is easily used for energy and does not readily store as fat. Also a good source of lauric acid with natural antimicrobial properties. Coconut oil has a high heat point and does not go rancid very easily which makes it a great choice for cooking and baking.

~ Grass Fed Butter: short chain lipid. Grass-fed variety contains high omega 3's, vitamin A, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), and vitamin K2 for cardiovascular health.

~ Lard: 50% monounsaturated / 40% saturated fat. Excellent source of vitamin D3 when obtained from free-roaming, pasture raised pigs.

~ Tallow: 55% saturated / 40% monounsaturated fat. Good source of palmitoleic acid, tocopherol and has natural antimicrobial qualities.

~ Extra Virgin Olive Oil: High in oleic acids and a good source of antioxidants. Use on salads. Avoid using for cooking as it breaks down and becomes carcinogenic with medium to high heat.

~ Peanut Oil: superior cooking and frying oil.

~ Palm Oil: excellent oil for baking. Good source of beta carotene and vitamin E.

~ Sesame Oil: cold pressed oils are best. High oxidative stability; good for frying.

Fats and Oils to Avoid include: Soy, Canola, Corn, Grapeseed, Cottonseed, Hemp, and all margarines, spreads and partially hydrogenated vegetable shortenings. These are inferior lipid sources that are either hepatotoxic (liver toxic), rancid easily, and do not support the production of healthy cell membranes.

Six Weight Loss Tips (Part 2)

#4: Detox. Avoid chemicals in food, water and anything that you would put on or in the body. Chemicals and heavy metals will often attach to organ and gland receptor sites, blocking absorption of key nutrients. Toxic halogens such as fluoride, chloride and bromide are very common in our water and food and are harmful to the thyroid and pineal gland. Toxic halogens are of the same molecular weight as Iodine, a halogen necessary for proper thyroid function, and accumulate on receptor sites at the thyroid gland, blocking absorption of Iodine.

Another group of toxins called xeno-estrogens often cause hormonal imbalances that can not only make weight loss difficult, but increase the risk of certain types of cancers. Xeno-estrogens are extremely powerful 'estrogen mimickers' and block the absorption of natural estrogens necessary for hormone balance and reproductive health. Estrogen mimickers are widely found in our food and water supply, in household cleaners and personal care products like lotions, detergents and makeup.
Heavy metals such as nickel, aluminum, and mercury accumulate in our bodies through our dental work as either white 'composite' or silver 'amalgam' fillings. These metals often 'bleed' over time and suppress the parathyroid and thyroid function.

Radiation exposure is very common through repeated exposure to x-ray or CT scan procedures and new 'backscatter' x-ray devices at most airports. Even low levels of radiation build up in the sensitive organ and gland tissues and can cause powerful disruptions in their function.

Other toxins include parasites, and hidden infections in the form of 'bio-films', nano-bacteria, and mycoplasmic infections are very common and can disrupt normal function of all organs and glands in the body.

Simply put, toxins must be removed in order for organs and glands to function properly.
Prior to any detoxification program, is important that the kidneys and liver are clean and efficient, and the digestion and 'gut' system are healthy. Time must be taken to support and cleanse all detox organs before attempting to dislodge chemicals, infections and other toxins from their resting sites. Skipping this step can cause more harm than good.

Many toxins are stored in the fat cells. As fat cells shrink, the toxins stored in the fat are released into the blood stream to be filtered by the liver. Supporting healthy organ function reduces any 'detox' effects of fat loss.

Be sure to stay properly hydrated during any detox program. The minimum intake for a healthy individual is half your body weight in ounces of water per day. More may be needed during a detox program to keep the lymph system moving properly. Purified water is best. Avoid sodas (especially diet sodas), energy drinks, and anything artificially sweetened as these fluid choices often lead to more weight gain in the long run. Fruit juices should be avoided all together if there is a metabolic issue such as insulin or leptin resistance.

#5: Let Go of Destructive Thought Patterns. Even beyond the 4 basic emotional concepts of not being able to:

~ be healthy

~ do whatever it takes to be healthy

~ love self

~ be loved by others...
there are many other destructive thought patterns that can sabotage any weight loss or fitness program. Some of these concepts that may test 'strong' or 'true' at the subconscious level are:
~ If I lose weight, then I'm afraid I will gain it back...

~ If I lose weight, then my face will look older...

~ If I lose weight, then I'll have to exercise, and I hate exercise...

~ If I lose weight, then I may have to stand up for myself...

~ If I lose weight, then I might find out I'm not any happier...

~ If I lose weight, then I won't have the power of a big presence...

~ If I lose weight, then I won't have the fat as a protection from others...

~ If I lose weight, then I might be too attractive and attract the wrong person and that scares me...
It is important that any destructive belief based in fear is acknowledged and released or 'processed'. Often, people are unaware of any such deeply held fear or belief. ERT is very useful tool in identifying the thought pattern or belief so it can be acknowledged and released. EVOX Perception Reframing Therapy is very effective at releasing unhealthy subconscious beliefs. Once the negative thought patterns are released, acts of self-care and self-love come naturally. Losing weight, eating health, exercising, and healthy life choices become effortless and do not need a lot of thought to achieve.

#6: Exercise. Keep moving. Exercise boosts mood, promotes blood and lymph flow, healthy sleep / wake cycles and regulates metabolism to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Be sure to find a variety of activities you enjoy so there is a low risk of boredom. Walking is a great form of exercise. Walking in nature is simple, requires little effort, and gives the mind a break from work or hectic schedules.

Exercise should be fun. If it's not fun... then that's a good sign that there might be a destructive subconscious belief at work... refer to #5.

Life is really all about choices. We get to create our lives and our health based on the choices we make each day. Choose to love yourself, forgive others, and create space for the life you want by letting go of what you don't want. Energetically, anything that is dysfunctional or destructive takes up space... space that something functional and 'life-giving or life-enhancing' could be inhabiting if you would just let go of the dysfunction. Be open to learning the 'lessons' the dysfunction or chaos is trying to teach you, and then let go of the chaos by making changes in your life. There's something better waiting for you if you will make that choice. Lessons always repeat themselves until you learn and change. It is actually YOU who holds all the power to creating the life you want!

Article Source:,_AP,_DOM

Cycling is the Best Sport For Weight Loss

Why is cycling so good for weight loss?
If you take a quick look on any cycling websites or tv shows you will soon notice that cyclists always tend to be very lean, slim figures. Why is this? Well with most sports or workouts the intensity is high and the body tends to source most of it's energy from stores of the bodies carbohydrates or glycogen.
Cycling is generally known as a low intensity sport. When cycling at a low intensity (not sprinting) the body tends to burn more fat that carbohydrates. The more you cycle the more efficient your body becomes at burning fats and the more they will be used as the primary source of energy.

Why is Cycling Better Than Other Sports For Weight Loss?

The great thing about cycling is that it is virtually impact free. Think about it, when you go out for a jog every time your foot hits the floor there is an impact. Over the course of say half an hour of continuous impacts damage will occur to your muscles in the form of tiny tears.

When you are cycling there is not impact as such, just constant resistance against your pedalling motion. It is for this reason that cyclists encounter far less injuries than runners. In addition you are able to cycle more for longer as the muscle damage caused by impact sports often leave you with very stiff or sore legs for a few days after a workout meaning you are unable to exercise more. Your body is able to recover much quicker form a cycling workout meaning you can workout more regularly and lose more weight.

How To Lose Weight Through Cycling

Another common misconception is that the harder you pedal the more weight you will shift. This probably explains the popularity of spinning classes in gyms. However the opposite is true, spinning tends to increase your muscle mass and burn carbohydrates not fat.

If your aim is to lose weight through cycling you are better of going for longer less intense rides as these will maximize the amount of fat your body burns.

Follow this link to learn more about how I lost loads of weight by optimizing my cycle training.
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and replace it with